Thursday, July 23, 2015

4 Simple Breakfast Hacks To Make Summer Smoother

 This breakfast solution shop for busy families has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WrapNGo #CollectiveBias

In the flurry of summertime activities, Jr. Golf, Cub Scout Day Camp, playdates and doctor's appointments, breakfast can be a Mom's worst nightmare when trying to get the family out the door fast. My kids are always up for cereal, but it is cold and far too messy for the car. My kids prefer a hot breakfast and my daughter is particular to pancakes, but when do I have time for that on a weekday morning?

Instead my breakfast strategy for on the go mornings changed. I have 4 easy breakfast hacks that any Mom can prepare ahead of time. With these tricks, you can have the family out the door with a delicious breakfast in hand in no time at all.

...And be sure to keep reading to learn how to save money with the Ibotta coupon app on your next grocery trip!

Simple Breakfast Hack #1:

Holy hand-held-goodness-on-a-stick! 

Foster Farms®, a brand I love, has a new breakfast option, Foster Farms® Pancake Wraps. All the goodness of a Foster Farms® turkey link wrapped in sweet pancake batter. And the best part, it comes on a handy stick.

My kids will eat anything presented to them on a stick and I love how portable this makes a warm breakfast. It is a delicious way to make our busiest mornings run smoother, and I think it is something we can "stick" with.

Simple Breakfast Hack #2:

Buy pre-frozen smoothie mixes that only require juice, or freeze your own fruit/vegetable mixes ahead of time in small zip topped bags. I mix 2 cups of our favorite frozen fruit with a cup of juice to make enough smoothies for the whole family in the morning.

See how easy it is to have a fruit smoothie, turkey sausage and pancakes for the whole family even when you are pressed for time?

Simple Breakfast Hack #3:

Serve your Foster Farms® Pancake Wraps poked through a cupcake wrapper to catch any syrup drips after dipping. I promise your car upholstry will thank me! 

Then to make this easy breakfast even more portable, put a small amount of syrup in a re-sealable plastic container and take the smoothie to go in a bottle with a wide straw and bite valve. True, the kids may through the containers on the floor after they are finished, but at least the contents will stay safely in their containers.

I found the new Foster Farms® Pancake Wraps Original Sausage at my local Walmart in the freezer section. Also keep an eye out for the Pancake Bacon, Egg and Cheese variety. I can't wait to try those myself! 

Simple Breakfast Hack #4:

And if you want to save money on your breakfast purchases, be sure to download the Ibotta coupon app. Hey, everything goes more smoothly when you have more money in your wallet, right? Right now you can  "Buy 1 package of either variety and get $1.00 off" coupon. 

Using the app is easy! Just,
  1. Download the free app for your smartphone.
  2. Search for the product under "Foster Farms®"
  3. Select your coupon and complete the task asked, then scan the barcode to verify the product.
There are so many coupons and rebates to choose from, it is a great way to start saving on your next grocery trip.

Now that I have shared my 4 Simple Breakfast Hacks, I would love to hear what tricks you have for getting your family fed and out the door quickly.

What tricks work with your family?


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