Friday, July 10, 2015

Saving this Summer with My Top 5 - eBay Daily Deals

Summer is off to a great start! I love all the extra time we have to spend outdoors in the evenings. But, having the kids home every day has me looking at making some changes and improvements around here. We are moving beyond just the plastic patio furniture and water tables, and am looking to update for casual backyard entertaining with friends. I have a few items now on my summer wish-list, but I don't want to spend too much money on anything... there is summer fun still to be had!

So where do you look for great deals on your wishlist items? Well, I have had great success by keeping my eyes on eBay Daily Deals.

Each day you can find a variety of new deals from 20 to 90% off! But these deals don't last long. If you find a good one, grab it! And the best thing is, all Daily Deals have free shipping...always! You can see the new Daily Deals posted every morning, at 8 AM Pacific Time, but as they sell out, new deals are posted. So you can check for eBay deals anytime to snag something on your wishlist.

In the past, I have saved a lot on baby gear, vintage toys for the playroom and even hard to find items. But as I look to update our yard, there are many great eBay Daily Deals to help me out there, too!

Want to see what I am looking for this summer?

My Summer eBay Wishlist

All great deals! That Outdoor Fire Pit Table, 77% OFF!  And the Jawbone Big Jambox Wireless Bluetooth Speakers? The deal today is for 57% OFF!

And also on my wishlist is this Canon EOS 7D Mark II / MK2 Camera Body, you know, just my dream camera. It is currently on eBay Daily Deal for 23% off.

What is on your summer wishlist? What deals will you find on eBay?


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