Friday, July 31, 2015

You're Invited! Come Share a Book and a Slice of Pie #thebookclubcookbookCC

I was provided with a copy of The Book Club Cook Book to use for this year-long endeavor of reading and food fun. All opinions and experiences and individual book purchases are my own.

Welcome to the second month of #TheBookClubCookBookCC fun. I am excited to be your host for August and I hope we will all have a lot of fun with this recipe and book choice.

I married an outdoorsman/farmer and currently live in rural Oregon. I have done a fair bit of camping and "roughing it", so I was immediately drawn to Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods. Okay, it was actually the recipe selection in The Book Club Cook Book that first caught my eye... Lemon Meringue Pie.

You see, I have a great love of lemons...

So this was an obvious choice for my August selection from  The Book Club Cookbook, Revised Edition: Recipes and Food for Thought from Your Book Club's Favorite Books and Authors by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp.

If lemons don't get you excited, there are two other things to note..

August 15th is National Lemon Meringue Pie Day! And the book, the recipe complements, A Walk in the Woods, is coming to theaters September 2nd starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.

Okay, are you excited now? ...and to think I just picked it because, well... lemons!

Of course, both pie and good books are best shared, so I want to invite you to bake along & read along if you wish. You can do either, join in the fun and then come back at the end of the month when I will post the round-up of all the amazing recipes and thoughts here on Adventures in All Things Food. I am not alone though, there are 11 amazing bloggers joining in on the fun with me:

A Day in the Life on the Farm      
Adventures in All Things Food    
Cheese Curd In Paradise               
Culinary Adventures with Camilla             
Life on Food       
Mostly Food and Crafts 
The Pajama Chef              
The Spiffy Cookie             
Things I Make (for Dinner)           
Tortillas and Honey         

You can follow along with the hashtag #thebookclubcookbookCC on social media or check out the group Pinterest boad. Find out how you can join along with us below.

How to Participate

1. Draw inspiration from the chosen recipe(s).
2. Blog about it! It doesn't have to be a lengthy post. Just share your dish.
3. Include a link back to the hosting blog (that's me!) - Adventures in All Things Food - somewhere in your post. 
4. Include a link back to this invitation.
5. Your post must be current (during August 2015). And, of course,we don't mind if your post is linked to other events. The more, the merrier.
6. Email your entries to me at: andrea.kruse[at]gmail[dot]com and include: 
  • Your name
  • Your blog's name and URL
  • The name of your dish and the permalink to the specific post you're submitting
  • Attach a photo of any size (or just give me permission to"pull" one from your post)
  • Indicate #thebookclubcookbookCC in the subject line

Deadline for submission is: Friday, August 28th. Watch for the roundup to be posted shortly after this deadline...along with the winner of the cookbook.

Slo let's make a pie! The description in the book is for a very yellow, "canary-yellow", wedge of pie.

Very Yellow Lemon Meringue Pie
(from The Book Club Cook Book pg. 451)

  • 1/2 recipe pie crust (one crust)
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 1 Tbsp. grated lemon peel
  • 5 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 c. sugar, divided
  • 1/4 c. + 1 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 c. cold water
  • 2 Tbsp. butter
  • 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Prick the crust with a fork and blind bake it for 8 - 10 minutes, or until lightly browned.

Lower the oven temperature to 325 degrees.

For the filling, beat the egg yolks to combine and set aside.

Combine the lemon peel and juice in a bowl and set aside.

In a small saucepan, combine the 1 tablespoon cornstarch with 1/3 cup water. Bring up to a simmer, whisking constantly till it thickens. Set aside to cool.

Combine 1 cup sugar, 1/4 cup cornstarch, salt and 1 1/2 c. cold water in a saucepan. Bring up to a simmer, whisking frequently. The mixture will become clear, then start slowly adding the egg yolks and whisking vigorously to prevent curdling. Once all the yolks are added, add the butter and lemon mixture. Keep whisking for another minute, then remove from the heat and cover to prevent a skin from forming.

Make the meringue by combining the last 1/2 cup sugar and cream of tartar in a bowl. Beat the egg whites and vanilla until they foam. Then add the sugar mixture, one spoonful at a time till soft peaks form. Then add the cooled cornstarch mixture  to the egg whites a spoonful at a time. Beat until you have stiff peaks.

Gently heat the filling and por into the pre-baked pie shell. Top with spoonfuls of the meringue mixture. Bake until the meringue is evenly browned, about 20 minutes. Cool to room temperature and enjoy!

Now, you can join me in making this Very Yellow Lemon Meringue Pie... or perhaps the book gives you other inspiration. I would love to see it.


This month Andrea at Adventures in all Things Food, this month's host, is giving away a copy of the book.* Enter to win a copy of the cookbook so you can join us for future months, if you wish!

One of our lucky readers - US and Canada only! - can enter to win a copy ofThe Book Club Cookbook, Revised Edition: Recipes and Food for Thought from Your Book Club's Favorite Books and Authors by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp, courtesy of Tarcher-Penguin. Giveaway runs from August 1st till August 31st at 6 o'clock PM, Pacific time. Please see terms and conditions in the rafflecopter widget below. Many thanks to Tarcher Books. You may find Tarcher: on the web, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Disclosure: Andrea received a complimentary copy of The Book Club Cookbook, Revised Edition: Recipes and Food for Thought from Your Book Club's Favorite Books and Authors by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp to use in this year-long project plus the opportunity to give a copy away. Opinions are our own. We received no further compensation for our posts.


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