Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Grilled Pound Cake with Peaches and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

This time of year I am always looking for an easy and fast dessert option. Last minute guests? Sweet tooth calling? Or just looking for an easy way to make the weekend special?

Here is an easy and fun recipe that takes very little time to prepare, but still has the "Wow!" factor.

Though I love chocolate, sometimes I really want a lighter dessert with fresh fruit. For this easy recipe I grabbed peaches, but nectarines or even plums would work well here. Toss the fresh fruit in just a little simple syrup and lemon juice (to help prevent them from browning.)

Lightly toast sliced pound cake on a griddle sprayed lightly with non-stick spray. I used my cast iron griddle indoors for the best grill marks. Make sure it gets nice and hot, then keep a close eye on the cake to prevent it from burning.

Chiffonade a few sprigs of fresh mint to garnish the dish.

Top with your favorite Vanilla Bean ice cream for added fun.

Ready to dig in?

Grilled Pound Cake with Peaches and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

You will need:

  • 2 ripe peaches or nectarines, cut into cubes
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 2 Tbsp. simple syrup
  • 1 frozen pound cake, cut into uniform slices
  • non-stick cooking spray
  • 1-2 bunches of fresh mint
  • vanilla bean ice cream for serving
Toss the fruit with lemon juice and then stir in the simple syrup. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Heat a griddle on medium heat. Spray with non-stick cooking spray. Grill each slice of pound cake on both sides. Let the cake toast and color up, but watch closely that it doesn't burn.

For plating, top pound cake with prepared peaches, sprinkle liberally with mint and then top with your ice cream.



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