Monday, December 7, 2015

Come Join the Foodie Reads 2016 Challenge!

My favorite adventures & stories, always begin with good food...

This year I have had so much fun on the Book Club Cookbook Cooking Crew that I am planning to read and cook my way through even more books in 2016. Our fearless cooking leader, Camilla, recently shared another fun reading challenge you can participate in called the Foodies Read Challenge for 2016.

You can link up on Based on a True Story and grab a button to display throughout the year!

 It is going to be lead by Heather from Based on a True Story, and it challenges bloggers and readers to join along starting January for monthly lists of the book review links from challenge members. It is a great chance to find some new "delicious" reads as well as share must-read books. Heather even has 5 foodie read challenge levels so you can set your reading goals high this year.

I would love to aim for the moon, but want to achieve at least Sous-Chef level with 9 - 13 books. While out Christmas shopping this past weekend I made a wish-list of books I found at Barnes and Noble.

I am hoping to read a variety of non-fiction, historical and new cookbooks. It is not required, but I hope to use the inspiration to share more great foods and recipes with all of you.

Come join in on the fun and be sure to come back in January to see my first book reviews. The first one I am working on is The Coincidence of Coconut Cake, by Amy E. Reichert.

Check out all the details and link up HERE.


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