Thursday, June 24, 2010

How do you get your kids to embrace summer reading?

Ah, summer! My first thought is for sprinklers, swimming pools, water melon and water balloons! But, another staple of my summer growing up was the summer reading programs. I have a bit of a competitive streak, so I was happy to test the limits of what my arms could carry out of our local library and how many books I could read before school started up in the fall. Summer is a great opportunity for children to develop a real love of reading

TwitterMoms along with HarperCollins and the "I Can Read!" book series have asked bloggers to list their favorite tips or tricks to encourage young readers. Here are 5 of my tips to try with your budding book lover. As always, if you want to check out more posts on the topic, or get in on the fun, visit the TwitterMoms discussion page.

1. Make it a contest! Your local library just might have a summer reading program, or maybe your local bookstore does. Borders currently has a read 10 books, get one free Double Dog Dare reading program. If not, make your own. Just set up a sticker chart, or make yourself a reading log. Depending on your child's abilities set a goal. For younger children it may be pages, and for older children challenge them to make a reading goal. When that goal is achieved let them pick a special activity you can enjoy together. Tailor this to fit your child.

2. Set up a weekly library trip. Kids are much more willing to read when they have new and exciting choices they helped to pick out.

3. Find books that relate to your summer plans. For my son, we are exploring the theme of camp. You can find books on just about any topic! Try to find books about the location you will visit, or about summer in general.

4. Have your child write their own book. Get out the colors, paper and create an adventure. Make it up from imagination, or have it based on something they did this summer. Be sure to include your family members as characters... and with a few simple xerox copies, you could even put your families faces into the story.

5. Get everyone involved in reading! Send books to Grandma's house...have Mom & Dad both pick different times for story time. My DH reads at night, while I have story time mid day. This enforces a love of reading. Even enlist another older child to read to or with yours. Reading can be fun and social.

So what do you think? I bet you have some great ideas to share. Let me know. I love reading through comments.

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*Disclaimer -I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms blogging program to be eligible to get an "I Can Read!" book. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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1 comment:

  1. Good tips. As for me I just pick a book and start reading and my sons will follow the habit.


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