Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tales of two...

Two small children can be challenging for me... always into something, always busy. And little ole' me with only two arms!

Lately herding, attending to needs and averting disasters takes up most of my time. It is a busy job. I am also constantly reminded not to take my eyes off of them. Yesterday my DH helped me set up our water table. My 10-month-old daughter was supporting herself on the edge and splashing in the water. One minute my toddler son was playing and the next minute he had the hose, turned on and blasting her straight in the face! How do younger siblings ever make it to adult hood? I am an only child, so tell me, please!

Today the baby was crawling around our living room and knocked over my new lamp. We just got it less than 2 months ago for our living room. It is so dark in there without an overhead lamp. The light never stood a chance! My biggest concern was the glass that went everywhere in our carpeted living room. My dilemma, I have two kiddos... a baby who puts everything in her mouth and is crawling... and a son who can't leave things alone and is accident prone. I scooped up the baby and told my son not to leave our couch... so glad I was in the room with them when it happened. I have no doubt my daughter would have gotten into the mess. With little girl in her crib, I outfitted my son with his indoor shoes. We are a no shoe household, but I keep a pair or two just in case for indoor wear. My problem now is clean up. With a short, thick carpet it is hard to get all the shards. I vacuumed and used tape on the floor, but I am still finding shards!

Any ideas how to get it all cleaned up? If I sound paranoid, I am. I don't want my baby eating or crawling across the shards... and my son would get one stuck in his foot if given the chance.

Keeping up with two little ones is a crazy life!
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