We always keep some iced tea or sun tea stocked in the fridge... lately we have been mixing a bunch of Arnold Palmers (I wish you could hear how my toddler says that!) to keep cool and quench our thirst. I usually use a chop stick to tie the bags to. I hate fishing tea bags out of the pitcher!
I always rotate my tea flavors to mix things up. I like 4 bags of black tea with one or two lemon or mint tea bags the best. Of course, straight black tea is best when mixed with lemonade. Also throw in berries or herb sprigs for added variety. Mint or Peppermint are classics, but have you tried Oregano or Rosemary?
Iced tea or Sun tea is easy to make and is a frugal change from iced water. I have 3 glass pitchers we keep filled with real fruit juices or teas. I like mine strong since ice can water it down. In an 8 cup pitcher I use 4-5 tea bags. Either fill with hot water and steep as per directions or put your bags & tap water (cold is fine) for at least 3o min. With hot water be careful not to oversteep as it will cause the tea to be bitter. I tend to leave my sun tea & forget about it. Little fuss makes iced tea my go-to drink.
I would love to know if you have any tips or tricks with summer tea. Do you have a favorite brand or blend? Let me know. I love comments.
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