Win a $20 gift certificate to the Etsy ADDIEBUGS shop!! ... to use towards a banner of your choice! For me, a Happy Birthday banner for my little girl to be used every year. This giveaway ends 7/28.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Great Giveaway on Other Blogs!
First off I am in party planning mode. My little girl will be turning the big "1" later this summer. I have always thought buying banners every year was wasteful and was excited to see this giveaway for ADDIEBUGS over at Cake Mom.

Win a $20 gift certificate to the Etsy ADDIEBUGS shop!! ... to use towards a banner of your choice! For me, a Happy Birthday banner for my little girl to be used every year. This giveaway ends 7/28.
Win a $20 gift certificate to the Etsy ADDIEBUGS shop!! ... to use towards a banner of your choice! For me, a Happy Birthday banner for my little girl to be used every year. This giveaway ends 7/28.
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My daughter is turning 1 soon, too!