Weight Watchers is participating in their third Lose for Good campaign, where members, online subscribers and charitable organizations can work together to help fight world hunger. And it is so easy to get involved! September 5 through October 23 as members lose weight, Weight Watchers will donate up to 1 million dollars to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.
But, if you do not fall into any of the categories above, never fear. You can still get involved with the one day only social media campaign today, September 14, 2010. Here is how:
Everytime “Lose For Good” is mentioned on Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and check-ins via foursquare, Weight Watchers will donate $1 – up to $60,000 – as part of the Lose For Good donation. Click here for full details. www.weightwathcers.com/loseforgood
You can also join in on twitter by using the hashtag #loseforgood
sinSo, what are you waiting for? Now that I have blogged I am off to spread the word via twitter and facebook.
*Disclaimer - I received no products or compensation for this post. I am just passing on this event to my readers.
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