Monday, October 25, 2010

Have a Milano Moment for the Cure!

 As a Mother of 2 young children, my days are just crazy! I don't think a day goes by where there are no tears, tantrums or time outs.... Luckily I am blessed with those simple moments that make all the hard work worth it. Last week my 1 year old daughter was turning the tv on and off. I had sternly told her no, which of course caused her to burst out crying. My 2-year-old son went over to her and put his small arm around her shoulder. He patted her lovingly on the head with his other hand and softly said, "It's okay Audrey. Don't cry." I felt my heart swell with pride as their mother. This was a rare moment. It didn't involve hitting, throwing or having to separate the two of them. This was a lovely reminder how sweet life really is, and how lucky I am to be here as Mom to these two amazing kiddos. I just need to make sure that I am around for them for a long time to come.
When One2One network partnered up with Milano for their Pepperidge Farm Milano Moment campaign supporting Susan G. Komen for the Cure, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Until last year, I didn't know anyone in my family with breast cancer. This year in a whirlwind 2-weeks, my Mom had a lump found, had it removed and then started treatment. I am happy to say that is was found early and all seems to be going well. But, I have to say the bottom of the earth dropped out for me when I heard the news. Now with my daughter I am especially sensitive about the disease. I want to do everything in my power to educate and prepare her for either myself or her having to hear a cancer diagnosis.

I know so many people are doing amazing things in research and I hope we will see a cure in my lifetime. But, until then we have to keep supporting and loving each other until this becomes a thing of the past.There is still time to share your Milano moment and share how sweet life can be! With each moment, Milano will donate .50 to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure up to $50,000. How sweet is that? Share your moment on Facebook and do something good today:

Oh, and what about those yummy Milano cookies? Talk about bliss in cookie form! Be sure to look for the supportive pink packaging. Have you seen all the fabulous flavors available? I think the mint may be my ultimate favorite. Yum.

*Disclaimer -In exchange for this post I was entered to win one of fifteen $25 gift cards or one of 25 packages of Milano cookies. All opinions are my own.

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