Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday Weigh-In... A Little Helper

And so begins another week, and here we are at my #mamavation post and weekly weigh in. This week I am happy to say that I will be getting a little help from a new friend... a four legged companion named Coop. He is going to be my walking motivation. Well, that and I told me toddler we have to walk him daily. I know my son will hold me to it. Gotta love the stubbornness of a 2 year old!

But, I am getting ahead of myself, right? So, drumroll please.....

I am down a pound from last week. Woo-hoo! I will take anything this week. It was a crazy busy whirlwind with birthday parties (cake!) and play dates as well as tantrums and behavioral issues. Not very conducive to my exercise plan, but it did successfully keep me away from too much snacking. Okay, so I am at 189 and ready to keep losing. As for last week's goals... well, I am going to take a second stab at them. I need to get back on the treadmill and get outside with the stroller... and new dog. As for recipes... well, the tamales were a great success and spaghetti squash is always a hit.

I want to add one more small change. I want to cut out soda completely this week. I am not ready to give up my daily coffee, but maybe if I can increase my energy I can kick that too. I have never been a big soda  drinker, but lately I have been reaching for the sweet horrible stuff. So addictive, right? So this weak I will force myself to crawl back to the true and pure stuff. I do have some fun herbs and citrus to add to my drinking water. All natural, no sugar... just the good stuff.

I want to send a shout out to the new Mamavation Moms, Shelley & Rachel! You guys rock and I am so eager to follow your progress. This week's Mamavation TV prize is fabulous! It is sponsored by Subway, and includes a  $50 LuluLemon gift certificate, a green Gaiam gym bag & yoga mat! I could really use some feel good exercise wear. This giveaway is part of Subway’s new campaign, Commit to Fit. I am excited to see how Jared does in the NY Marathon this year. I just saw a new commercial for his training and am pretty excited that Subway support the Mamavation program.

Okay... overall not too shabby, folks! Oh, let me know if you have a real rockin' song on your MP3 right now. I need to put some new tunes on my IPod, and I have an Itunes card burning a hole in my pocket. Anything for my walks?


  1. There is actually some research that suggests that coffee can be good for you, so maybe you don't have to give it up! Great job on the soda though, and congrats on the loss!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss. A pound is a pound, right? And actually the slower more consistent weight loss is more likely to stay off than the fast loss. Good luck this week with the soda. You can do it.

  3. I wanna doggie!!! Congrats on the pound gone!! into the 180s! A milestone!! I can relate on the behavior and tantrum issues. It's normal, especially if you have "spirited" little boys like I do, and maybe you do?

    WOOHOO on giving up soda!!! It IS yummy, but it's worth giving up for sure. I hope you feel better after stopping!

    Good luck with the new doggie!

    I like Eminem but not everyone does. Ha ha. What kind of music do you like? How about "Walking on Sunshine"?

  4. I love listening to Kelly Clarkson remizes when I am walking! Congrats on the doggie, can't wait to see pics! Congrats on the loss, have a great week!

  5. GREAT LOSS and way to go on everything else! Sugar is bad - weight loss is good! Keep loosing it!

  6. Awesome loss! Soda. That evil, evil stuff! I NEVER drank soda until I became pregnant with my first. Then those cravings kicked in and took over! I have successfully kicked that horrible habit to the recycle bin!

    I have a lot of Eminem(old(shake that) and new{We made you}), Black Eyed Peas(my humps, Boom Boom Pow, I've got a feeling, hey mama), Fat Joe, Beyonce(diva, single ladies), Missy Elliot. A bunch of random stuff, mostly the old stuff.

  7. Congrats on the weight loss! About a month ago I gave up Diet Coke. It wasn't easy, but I did notice an increase in energy! Sounds kind of weird that less caffeine would give you more energy, but it works. Good luck!

  8. Congrats on the weight loss this week!! And ya for no soda! (I'm not giving up my coffee, so I'm with you on that!)

    You're doing great - keep it up!

  9. Congrats on all your accomplishments this week thats awesome I don't think i can go without coffee either. next time i want a picture of your new dog, I love walking dogs and it makes walking fun and its good for the dog too



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