Thursday, November 25, 2010

Enjoy Yourself Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I plan on spending my morning getting some last minute food prep done. I will be taking special low-pro foods for my children as well as a frozen cranberry dish to share with everyone. I look forward to relaxing the rest of the afternoon with my children. I hope all my readers and friends have a great holiday and stay safe on the roads.
If you are looking for some great giveaways to enter I have several going on. Note the blanketID ends tonight, and a new giveaway, the Coobie bra, was just posted yesterday. Be sure to check them out.


  1. Cute little tray!

    We seem to have a different Thanksgiving experience every year. I grew up doing a huge dinner with extended family. When I met my husband (but before he was my husband) we did our own 2-person dinner of turkey meatloaf. We've also done dinner with his family, and this year we did it with my parents and siblings. I wonder what will evolve as the tradition my son remembers.

    P.S. I'm in Oregon too! ;)

    - J


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