Saturday, December 11, 2010

Do You know America’s Most Amazingly Energized Woman? (Contest Alert)

This is a busy time of year... as parents, we are often doing a million things at once to prepare for the holidays. How do you pull it all together? I still have my Christmas Cards to send out, gifts to wrap, and decorating to finish! Whew. This holiday season, the makers of Centrum and Molly Shannon are in search of "America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman" and need your help to do it! Do you know someone tackling it all with energy to spare? Or could it be you?

Just go to to nominate a woman you know who enjoys life and loves to the fullest during the holiday season. Nominations should be 300 words or less about how she does it all with a smile. Submit your nominations no later than January 3, 2011.Nominations will be judged by a panel, and five (5) finalists will be chosen for the public to then vote on.

And what can America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman win? 

Grand Prize: $3,000 XPERIENCE DAYS Gift Certificate

4 (4) Runner-Up Prizes: $400 XPERIENCE DAYS Gift Certificate

So, I want to know, who will you nominate? While you are on, download a $3.00 coupon for Centrum Women's or Centrum Men's to help keep up your energy and heath this season.

Also, be sure to check out tips from Molly Shannon on the site and learn how to get the most out of the holidays by living to the fullest.

And who would I nominate? Well, I am thinking of nominating my husband's Great Aunt. She is truly an inspirational and energized woman! I still see her out mowing the lawn and gardening... and she still has the time to cook, bake, preserve and visit her family with her delicious home made treats. No matter what, she is always smiling and offering to help others. I don't see how she does it. Who will you nominate?

*Disclaimer - I am a member of the One2One Network and by posting this information as a part of a member project, I am eligible to win prizes. I make no claims about Centrum as a product or it's effectiveness. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. Following you from ABE - please check out - thank you!

  2. Following from ABE!! Loving your cute blog!

    Whitney @ Diary of a Preppy Mom


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