Monday, December 13, 2010

Mamavation Monday... The Power of Mom

...And now for your next Mamavation Monday installment. Behold! Our Christmas tree. Now that snow has blessed our region we are getting outside more as a family. Yes, the sun draws us, as does the snow. Call us crazy, but we just enjoy getting outside. The vitamin D does us a lot of good here in the Pacific Northwest.

So no scale shot this week. The family is all snug in their beds and I want a week off. Last week showed no movement on the scale, so mentally I will take a week break. Next week I promise to be front and center.

As for last week's goals, well I started off with a bang and made up a big batch of sauteed chard &  poached eggs over brown rice. As always, it was delicious! If brown rice isn't your thing, use any grain as a base. We also enjoy couscous.

This recipe is beyond simple! Sweat a bit of onion and garlic in a pan with olive oil. Add a cup of chicken stock or vegetarian chicken like seasoning and water. Then toss in a big bunch of torn & washed chard. It will cook down. Let it wilt a touch, then make 4 small "nest" in the chard and break an egg in the hole. Cover and let it simmer till your eggs reach desired done-ness. Scoop up an egg and chard and serve it over your desired grain. Use a little of your excess stock from the pan to pour over your rice mixture. Enjoy!

Last Week's Goals: Pilates - I did one video twice last week
Squats & Lunges - I started the week strong, but had forgotten by Thursday
New grain recipes - I used brown rice, but couldn't find a quinoa recipe that caught my interest
2 lbs by the new year - Still working on it!

New Goals: Shred- Workout 2x this week
Pilates - 3x this week
Food Challenge - Bean recipes this week
Hydration - 10 glasses a day!
Start a Food/Exercise Journal - log and record

I can do this! I don't think my goals are too difficult. I just hope I am challenging myself enough. It is hard to be my own coach. I am also kicking around the idea of applying to be a Mamavation Mom. I worry that not enough people know me, and in the end it is votes that counts. Of course I would love the extra coaching and help... as well as the accountability! Though I am not so keen on putting my weight-loss pics all over the internet. I will keep thinking about it and I know if this campaign isn't for me, there will be one for me soon.

As for Mamavation TV? No episode this week. Instead there is a HUGE twitter party going on Monday night (tonight... 12/13)  5 pm PST. Go to for more information. They will be giving away some awesome prizes including EA Sports Active 2 game sets. I am dying to get my hands on one of those! I will have my fingers crossed all day.

Have a great week everyone! I am off to decorate our Christmas tree.


  1. Definitely apply!!! If anything, you can compete for the $500 in the Move it and lose it challenge! You don't have to know everyone. You just have to want it. 2 campaigns ago, I didn't know any of the applicants, so I just watched the videos and chose who to vote for.

    Love that you guys hang as a family outside. we Need to do that more!

  2. Oh, I was going to say, if you want help pushing yourself, we're all here for you!

  3. Enjoy the holidays and do the best you can. Workout plan is a good one. Cheers!

  4. Oh that looks so good...I'm drooling. Who says tasty has to be complex! Mmmmmmmmmm.

  5. Please do apply! You have my support. I have an affinity with outdoorsy-types who love the PNW (I miss it!) Also thanks for that chard poached egg basket trick, I will try that. I do poached eggs... I do chard, using it as a basket sounds fun. Have a great week.

  6. Okay. You've done it. I am motivated to buy chard at the market tomorrow and give it a try. That meal looked delish.

  7. That chard recipe looks yummy! I am always looking for new recipes for greens. I love them! (I totally agree with you about a mamavation recipe sharing section!)

    Good luck this week, your goals look great. Beans are a great filling food with lots of fiber. Perfect for winter! As for Mamavation Mom, I say go for it! I am going to apply again, and we'll see what happens. :)

  8. Sounds like you have a good plan for the week ahead. Great photo of you with the tree. STRONG MOMMA!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!