Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mamavation Monday...Ongoing Quest to be a MM

Happy Monday everyone! Just one more week (okay, a bit less) till Christmas. How was your week?

I started strong. I felt like I had added motivation to really get movin' and a groovin'.

Despite my sore legs from the recent trips up to the snow, the scale showed a different outcome. 192 lbs... That is +2 since last week. Slightly frustrating as I enter into one of my biggest food temptation weeks of the year. I wish I was just tempted by sweet things, no. I am tempted by all the holiday foods. Even down to the humble mashed potato. I seem to be stuck at this 190 cycle, a little up or down each week, but no true progress in the right direction. I know I am not making enough changes to cause real weight loss.

So my plan of attack is to stay armed with my water bottle, plan some high fiber lunches and breakfasts (I was thinking split pea soup or lentils), and portion out my sweet treats. I just did a review for Chex and made Muddy Buddies. Instead of leaving them all in a big bowl for mindless noshing, I portioned them out into 100 cal. servings. Enough for a sweet treat, but not enough to derail my goals.

As for activities this past week? Well, Sunday we went back up to the mountains for some family fun time. It was a blustery day...
...but, beautiful. It snowed most of the day, and while we were at the resort about 2 inches fell. It was a short day, since the kiddos got cold quickly. We were able to take refuge in the ski school.

Little man was able to warm up and play for a little while. Baby girl is currently teething, at least 3 molars and one front tooth is coming in, so she was cranky. This means most of my day focused on taking care of her. I was disappointed that I didn't get more ski time, but my DH and I are thinking of some ways to get us some more time on the slopes. Next weekend we won't be getting outside as a family because of the holiday - Yay! Christmas!, but the following week we will be off on another family adventure. I am voting for Cross Country skiing next time. I can keep up the activity for a longer period of time, but am just as sore the next day.

If you didn't know already, I have applied to be a Mamavation Mom. You can catch my announcement post and vlog application HERE. I would be honored to be chosen. Of course I would love access to the resources Mamavation Moms are provided, but I would also love to support all of you. I am just a busy stay at home Mom. I rush this way and that helping everyone around me, but this is my turn to ask for help. As a Mamavation Sista I am supported by my peers, and have the chance to help others going through similar situations. It is an amazing to be in such a supportive group. If blogging through the good, the bad and the downright sweaty, could inspire another Mom to lead a healthier lifestyle, then it is worth it. I would love to be an example... and have my behind kicked by bookieboo! I need family and reader support to make this happen. Just tweet:

Hey @bookieboo! I want @notimeMom to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!

Or, let her know on facebook that you support me. Just post on the Mamavation Facebook Fan page   why I would be your choice.

Okay, Goal Time!
Last Week's Goals: Shred- Workout 2x this week  -DVD hasn't arrived yet. Have only tried a bit of the online preview. Need to spend some time on Monday.
Pilates - 3x this week - Ran out of time this week, only did it 2x. Next week I will go for 3x.
Food Challenge - Bean recipes this week - Made a rockin' Chili recipe that my DH loved!
Hydration - 10 glasses a day! - Check! Start a Food/Exercise Journal - log and record - Need to be more consistent with logging my food intake.

New Goals :
I need to make movement a priority this week because of the holidays. My goal is to get at least 30 minutes of movement a day... dancing with a DVD, treadmill or outdoor walk pushing the stroller. If the weather stays stormy, I will postpone the outdoor walks. I don't want to freeze the kiddos!

Is anyone else nervous about the holidays? I just don't want to have another gain. I am trying not to get too stressed about the whole situation since that will make my snacking worse. I am really looking forward to this week's Mamavation TV. This week's special guest sounds great, and the DVD sounds like fun. I look forward to chatting with all my Mamavation Sistas. Not a part of the Sistahood? Go here for more information.

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

 Special Guest: Suzanne Forbes-Vierling, PhD (@tribalenergy4u)

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by @tribalenergy4u. Two winners of the carnival will win a Tribal Energy Cardio DVD. Mention Tribal Energy Cardio, and link back to their site in your post. Then

 link up to the Mamavation Blogging Carnival here to enter.


  1. Hugs and kisses and welcome to the shred. Please post daily when you do (or when u don't). Honestly It will help you and everybody else. I post to even get me off the couch. Perfect on water intake and good luck with the Campaign! I would love to go through the experience with you and a little jealous on the sight seeing you get to do while skiing. The road picture just is calling me to get on the roas. XOXO

  2. Good luck with the holidays! It's hard. My downfall is gravy. I could soak my entire plate in it. A little is ok so don't feel you have to deprive yourself completely!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. Just sent the tweet for ya. Very proud of your efforts and wishing you motivation for the holidays and beyond.

  4. So glad you are applying and Good Luck! I'm a bit jealous of the snow you get to play in, but I'm a fickle snow lover - I only want it around for a few weeks and then want it to dissappear!

    Oh well, will have to settle for visiting the snow :)

    Good luck this week and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. WooHoo for applying to the next campaign. I am so excited for you! I wish I could do it, but I will be following along. The best part of applying was having the commitment to Move it and Lose it and taking those measurements. My weight went up and down, but the inches came off, which was exciting.

    Thanks for supporting me, hopefully I can push you along too. Great job this week and great goals for Christmas week. Good Luck making it through...I am with you on those potatoes, but then again I am from Idaho, lol.
    Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Those pesky 2lbs must be making their rounds! I have been in the same situation with no significant loss recently. I am reminded of something I heard a few months ago, "Consistency over time". I truly believe this is the key. Keep moving in the right direction and the scale will have no choice but to show your progress. All the best!!

  7. Silly 2 pounds, keep up the work and you'll see them go away soon. Consistency is key. I am totally supporting you for MM. Keep up your efforts now.

  8. You're not alone - after my initial post-partum weight loss I've begun to gain... It's time for us to turn up the exercise a notch! I support you for MM.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  9. thanks for sharing the great pictures and good luck with the mamavation application. the new job is just holiday jobs from clients of my petsiting business so I;ll stay busy and have a holiday bonus.

  10. thanks for sharing the great pictures and good luck with the mamavation application. the new job is just holiday jobs from clients of my petsiting business so I;ll stay busy and have a holiday bonus.

  11. Don't beat yourself up too much. This time of year is HARD!! Love the goal of moving every day this week - you can do that!! You're on the right track, great job with portioning out the sweet treats. Hugs!

  12. Hang in there! You are definitely motivated to get that scale moving. Best of luck to you as you meet (and you will!) your goals this week! Merry Christmas!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!