Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Can I Eat Them, Yet?

How does your garden grow? Can't wait to get these beauties into the ground...
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  1. I SO wish I had a house with a yard so I could garden. Right now, I have a small condo, on the third floor, with a balcony that gets mostly shade. Hmph. Someday...

  2. It's so exciting to see the sprouts coming up in the spring! I can't wait until it's warm enough to plant mine outside.

  3. This is my first year to grow seeds in the house. It is so much fun to watch as they grown. Unfortunately, I didn't mark what any of mine are, so I guess we will be guessing. LOL Yours are looking good mama!

  4. Great Pictures. We are planting this year (the first time in three years). I am so excited to be gardening with my girl. Your seedlings look great.

  5. You're going to be eating soooooo good this summer!

  6. Funny, I have a gardening post waiting to go up! LOL! My husband is the gardener. He does an amazing job. BUT, he didn't plan any herbs this time around, and I wish he had! Basil esp! Oh well... Tomaotes, carrots, corn, etc, will all be yummy too! =)

  7. I used to have a great garden until I got my dog. I think I am going to do it again this year!

  8. We planted some yesterday.. so no sprouts yet! Most of everything we have we will buy from the plant stage and put in the ground (I know..boring).

  9. I'm so jealous! I need to wait another 2 weeks to do that. I just keep walking past all of my gardening supplies and seeds and I can hear them calling my name!

  10. Where we live now, the ground is more rock than soil and with baby #2 due in a few weeks, I don't have the energy or the determination to start a garden. It would take a few years to get things growing well too, and we'll be moved in 2-4 years so I'm not optimistic with the garden idea at this post.

    :( I miss my garden fresh tomatoes, squash, peppers, carrots, onions, cucumbers, cantaloupe, raspberries and herbs!

  11. YumYumYumYum!! I can't wait to get in the dirt {have to wait for it to dry up a bit first though}.


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