Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mamavation Monday - Lactose, Energy & Pushing On

How was your week?

I was working on digging my head out of the sand. Have you ever been there?

It is called denial...

With all the talk about gluten, I wanted to bring up another nasty little thing called lactose. I am lactose intolerant. Mildly so, but I still have many nasty symptoms. From the bloat to discomfort and tummy issues, it can be a real downer. And really not fun for general conversation... so, moving on... My problem is I love cheese! ...see the denial coming?

Cutting milk out of my diet was easy. I switched to soy milk and almond milk. Never fear, I can get my calcium from things like broccoli and dark leafy greens. I do enjoy yogurt and the live cultures (I make my own) help my body digest it. Hard cheeses don't give me many problems... Parmesan is great in moderation, but who am I kidding? Ooey, gooey melted cheese calls to me like a Siren to a sailor. My lactose laden siren is just as dangerous. I really suck at moderation, so I am working hard to step away.

I am tired of the bloat, the GI distress and the overall icky feelings... I am curious if anyone else has any dietary issues. How do you deal with it?

So how did my week weigh-in?  (trying to stick with same clothes, same time of day...)

Yup... that would be on the + side this week. Not sure that cheese is worth it. :(

Started last week, I am joining in on the Burpee challenge from Pamela Kramer on bookieboo. Follow along with #100DayBurpeeChallenge and it isn't too late to come join in. I am working hard on my form hoping to gain strength.

I also picked up the Wii Zumba game from Costco (it was on sale for $35!) and am loving it. It uses similar game and graphic ideas as the Just Dance series does. I love the music, the steps and really have had fun so far. I also just found out that Just Dance 3 comes out in October and there is also a Summer edition now. I can't wait to add these to my collection.

Here is a link to my Meal Plan Monday post with my food plans. I am going to eat fresh, from scratch and real food this coming week. Anything to help increase my energy and help put a little pep in my step.

This was one of my favorite meals last week, Lemon & garlic roasted chicken, dill orzo, steamed green beans, cherry tomatoes and fresh boiled corn. Yum!

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Omron Fitness. Two blogging carnival participants will each receive an Omron Fitness pedometer. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and mention Omron Fitness with a link back to their site. Link up your post here.

What are your current technology tactics in your healthy living journey?

I have several gadgets and gizmos to help me along my journey from my Gruve, to the RunKeeper app on my droid and my Wii - it can seem consuming, but it also helps me stay motivated. I try hard to involve my kids in the Wii dancing and workouts and we go on our walks as a family. I am working hard to be healthy and happy for my family, so don't want my activities to get in the way of our relationships.

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness and I’m writing this to be entered into an Omron Fitness pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation .
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  1. I love cheese too, but I love all dairy. I do think moderation is the key when dealing with intolerance. You may find after a bit that feeling good outweighs the desire to eat it. My husband loves feeling good over the taste of his favorite movie popcorn now. Good luck with the cheese. Thanks for the zumba info.

  2. Oh man, I know more about lactose intolerance than I ever thought I would. My son was lactose intolerant for the first few years of his life, though he is lucky and is growing out of it. Because he was diagnosed at a year, and he needed milk (I didn't want to go the soy route) we did raw organic cows milk for a couple years, and occasional soy or goat cheese.

    Anyway. Good luck with that. For us, it just took trial and error and a lot of patience.

    And have fun with your new Zumba game! I love it!

  3. We do not have any food allergies, so far, but just making the changes to eat healthy brings a challenge. I saw a lactose free cheese at Lassens,not sure if you have one near you. Good luck

  4. Have you tried goat cheese? That worked wonders for my step mom. Your chicken looks delicious!!

  5. i am a new follower please follow me back thanks

  6. If you look up a picture of denial in the dictionary, you'll see a picture of me. My most favorite foods are bread and cheese, gods help me if I ever test intolerant to either! I do have strong reactions to sodium, however, and have cut out almost all sources (except for what's already in certain foods). It has made a world of difference!
    Don't worry about your weight this week, you'll get it back down in no time!

  7. OK, girl you are making me hungry - for food (because your pictures look just yum)
    But you are making me zumba hungry - I've been salivating at it for weeks - I want it, want it, want it.

    I distanced myself from milk after my older one was born, and never looked back. Enjoying almond and coconut milk. Have a great week. XO

  8. Blech. You know my dietary challenges, a mean sugar cane allergy pre-pregnancy. I had to be careful then because of bad anaphylaxis, it is a lot lessened now but I still need to be careful out of pragmatism to be healthy and energetic enough to best take care of my little one.


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!