Sunday, January 22, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - Inspiration For the Soul

Where did another week go?

It is a new week, a new start, a new chance. Either time to step it up, reassess or get movin'. It doesn't really matter which category you fall into, just do your best - no regrets.

I am so proud of all the Mamavation Mom candidates. Your tweets, hard work and enthusiasm are not lost on the Mamavation community. Though I am glad I am not in your shoes (I was nervous and excited all bundled up in a ball of energy as an applicant!) I am excited to follow your journeys and lend support when needed. Regardless of if you are chosen as a finalist or not, you can still keep losing and be healthier. I applied twice and am so glad I didn't give up! It was a great experience, but I learned a lot about support when I reapplied. I had friends online and in real life go out of their way to help me become a Mamavation Mom. It was amazing.

This week I have been finding inspiration to move from music. I really love anything with a beat and if it speaks to my soul, even better!  Firework by Katy Perry has been in my ear lately.

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

We are all fireworks and I love watching you ladies finding healthy ways to make your true selves shine. The weight isn't who we are, but we need to "leave 'em in awe" with the strong amazing things we can do!

This past week was really busy for me. I was able to squeeze in my workouts and finished the #2weekchallenge. This week I have lofty goals set. I want to not only get 2 workouts in a day, but am setting the step count bar at 12,000 steps each day. If I am short I want to get on the treadmill after the kids are off to bed to make it up. ...though I hope I hit more than that on average!

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Mamavation.
One blogging carnival participant will receive $50 VISA gift card. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and link back to Mamavation site.
Who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to healthy lifestyle?

that I think seeing the amazing things ladies around me have accomplished and watching strong athletes on TV doing triathlons and endurance races inspire me to be healthier and stronger! I am not as inspired by those tiny magazine models anymore. As I get older seeing strong and amazing women means more to me than a dress size.

Also I have to say the amazing ladies in Mamavation are always an inspiration. I love reading about Kia's races, I love hearing about Heather ( ) and her running schedule. So many of you keep me going and inspire me to do more. So thank you to you all.

Have a great week and don't forget to let your colors burst!

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway
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  1. Great post!! Thank you for all of your mamavation support!! Hope u have a wonderful week!!

  2. Way to go with the workouts and steps. You are an amazing woman and mother and I look up to all the cooking you do for your family. When I get discouraged with my kitchen I think about you and your family and everything you whip up. It is inspiring.

  3. Sniff, Sniff! What a beautiful post, and a beautiful message. As an applicant, I have to tell you that I would be nothing without those of you who have paved the path before us. Thank you for being an amazing Sistah!!

  4. Thank you Andrea. I always feel in a kindred mood when reading your posts. I think we are soul sistahs in the kitchen for sure. Keep the #realfood coming - it inspires me.

  5. Very inspirational. Also? Every time I stop here the first thing I see is that sweet little girl of yours in the blog header. I love that photo.

  6. Very inspirational. Also? Every time I stop here the first thing I see is that sweet little girl of yours in the blog header. I love that photo.

  7. I am with you - the girls are amazing - Have another great week

  8. You can do it. Steps aren't that had to achieve. just take it one day at a time and treadmills do work. That's how i get my steps in. have a great week!

  9. Andrea, you continue to inspire me. I have to agree with Kia about your food, I usually leave your posts drooling. Have a great week!


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!