Sunday, April 1, 2012

Filled Pizzelle Cones #Recipe (#FMcoolwhipmoms)

I have so many fond childhood memories that involve COOL WHIP Whipped Topping. My Mom always had it in our freezer to dress-up desserts. It was always served alongside our colorful JELL-O eggs on Easter, or her famous chocolate cream pie for birthdays. But she also used COOL WHIP for everyday "just because" treats. A dollop on a brownie or a little on top of our tapioca pudding always made it special. I remember those everyday treats fondly because they turned average days into special memories with her.

Today I decided to surprise my little ones "just because". 

The Oregon weather has been cold and rainy lately and we are all feeling cooped up. Strong winds have kept us from playing outside or going on our daily walks. I was hoping this would  be a fun change. While my children were taking their afternoon naps I made a little something special. Can you guess? I only needed a few ingredients...

Fresh Pizzelle cookies, mandarin oranges and COOL WHIP Whipped Topping - I knew it was going to be a hit. My family enjoys all of these flavors on their own, so why not combine them?

Hot off the pizzelle press I shaped the cookies. Small cones fit so easily in little hands. Then I filled them with a combination of mandarin oranges and COOL WHIP. So very simple, really. It didn't take me much time to create, but is the thought behind it that means so much.

Childhood is all about fun, and getting a special treat "just because" from Mom, well, that is always fun.

My son was excited and gave me a thumbs-up. He likes to be my taste-tester. My daughter smiled and gave me her approval. Even my husband enjoyed his filled pizzelle.

As a Mom I enjoy getting the chance to make my kids smile on rainy days. When I can do it without much time or hassle, that is even better. It leaves more time for me to enjoy with them.

Filled Pizzelle Cones

Pizzelle Batter
4 eggs
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder

8 oz. COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, frozen
1-8 oz. can of Mandarin Orange segments, broken up
Powdered Sugar for dusting
  1. Preheat your pizzelle maker.
  2. In a medium bowl whisk together the eggs, sugar, melted butter and vanilla extract. Sift in the flour and baking powder.
  3. Use 1 Tbsp. batter for each pizzelle. Close the lid and let it cook till the steam subsides. 
  4. Take the cookies out of the pizzelle press and shape them quickly before they cool. I have a form, but you can use any household items like bottles or bowls for different shapes.
  5. Fill cooled shells with frozen COOL WHIP and fruit. Dust with powdered sugar and serve immediately.

What do you do to surprise your children? Do you have any childhood memories using COOL WHIP Whipped Topping? I would love to hear about it.

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