Monday, April 2, 2012

#Mamavation Monday - When the Rain Stops

Today is the first day in over a week we have had a break. I even think the sun is trying to peek through! Yippee.

This past week was busy in our home, but with the unrelenting rain showers came a silver lining - more time with Daddy! As much as we love having him home more, it is Spring and I hope this will end up being a good growing season. So I am okay with the rain going away now...

No walks, no dancing, no sweat last week other than the normal cleaning routine this past week. So in honor of the sunlight my goal this week is to get outside! I have plans for walking, prepping my garden for Spring planting, general yard work and our annual outside toy wash. I put myself and the kiddos in non cotton clothing and we attack the outbuilding with buckets of soapy water and rags. I like to wash down the playhouse, slide, ride-on toys and sandbox tools. I bet we will get impromptu baths in the process. Please cross your fingers for me that we don't freeze our behinds off.

Have any of your watched, Hungry For Change? I found out about it from @NotDIYHeather. I really enjoyed it. Keep an eye out for when it comes to Netflix, I recommend watching it for a holistic and natural approach for health and well being. My husband always laughs when I watch food or health documentaries since I already know how to eat, I think we all instinctively know what we should be eating. Sometimes it is nice to be reminded that it doesn't take a gimmick. My favorite part was the positive affirmation shared. It struck me because it really is the component I am missing... I want to focus on my emotional health and self esteem as I work to create a healthier me. Here is the affirmation:

I accept myself unconditionally right now.

The suggestion is to say this 2x in the morning and evening. Grab a mirror and say it. Does it sound silly? I found it profoundly beautiful. It doesn't worry about my stretch marks, cellulite or the hard body I want to be in the future. It is just about loving myself in the moment, loving myself today... As Is. Try it with me for one month and remember to love yourself.

No scale info this week. I am allowing myself a week off. Next week I will go back to tracking.

Two fun announcements I have are I am shopping for a new juicer and have my eyes on a beauty! You might remember I said I was going to be juicing more... but my juicer broke after 3 uses!  What do you think of this Omega J8005 Masticating Juicer? This is supposed to do a better job on leafy greens and wheat grass. Lol... I have never tried wheat grass, but I do like to juice kale and spinach. The centrifugal juicers do a pretty poor job of greens. Anyone have one of these?

My goal this week - get outside everyday

This Week's Workouts:
Monday - Walk, yoga DVD
Tuesday - Walk, start the 100 push up challenge
Wednesday - Start the Top Trainers DVDs
Thursday - Treadmill run
Friday - Dance with the Kinect
Saturday - Walk or a bike ride
Sunday - Easter! Rest day.

Meal Plan:

Monday - Pesto, Potato & Poached Eggs
Tuesday - Homemade Spaghetti & Meatballs
Wednesday - Stir Fry over Brown rice
Thursday - Tuna Casserole, with a steamed veggie & side salad
Friday - Go Out
Saturday - Roasted Vegetable Pizza
Sunday - Easter Dinner

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by John Basedow .
Two blogging carnival participant will each receive a book “Fitness Made Simple” by John Basedow. To be eligible answer the following blogging carnival question in your weekly Mamavation blog post and link back to Mamavation site.

What is one health lesson you want to teach your kids?

I want them to grow up eating real food, drinking water and playing outside. Okay, that is a few lessons... but they are all part of living a healthy and real life. So far I think they are on the right track. My son loves his brussel sprouts, his tea plain and begs for a glass of water when he is thirsty. I want my children to really take charge of their own eating and I am already teaching them to help make their food. I know they benefit from growing up on a farm and being exposed to so much fresh food. I hope it starts them on some good habbits before they see how others eat.

*Disclaimer - This post is sponsored by Fitness Made Simple and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway” at the bottom of your post. Link up your post here.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this affirmation. SERIOUSLY... I'm a big believer in affirmations... and this one is perfect :)

    Thank you so much for sharing - also - side note - LOVED the pics of your kiddos dancing that I saw over the weekend :)

  2. I'd love to hear how you get on with your juicer. I've been in the market for a blender for some time. I want to upgrade from what I had, but can't afford the Vitamix or Blendtec at the moment. But like you I want to be able to break down the fibrous wall of veggies and fruits. I guess I have to bite the bullet and just buy one. Lumpy smoothies are better than none, right?
    So true what your husband says, but as you said a reminder is always good

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ever comment on something and then have no idea what you were saying? Yeah...out-of-body commenting moment. I meant to say that I had a juicer, given to me, that broke. Now I want to get a better model in hopes that it will last a little longer. The masticating juicers do better on greens and I just couldn't take the pulpy mess from the Blendtec. It was hard to drink. Good for smoothies, just not juicing. :)

  3. Sunlight is such a magical thing, isn't it? It has this way of guilting you into making sure it goes unwasted.

    Good luck with your new juicer!! I heart juicing, but crappy machinery definitely puts a damper on the effort.

  4. I love that affirmation! Now I really want to watch that documentary and I also followed the link to the 100 push-up challenge, it looks like something I would be interested in. I tend to do better when my workouts contain the word "challenge". lol. Also, your Monday night dinner sounds SO GOOD!!

  5. I too an a fan of watching healthy food type documentaries and such. I also agree we all have instincts of how to eat properly. You and Heather both inspire me to eat better & try more. Its so nice to get out more.I've spent the evening at the park with all four kids & the jogging stroller.

  6. I too an a fan of watching healthy food type documentaries and such. I also agree we all have instincts of how to eat properly. You and Heather both inspire me to eat better & try more. Its so nice to get out more.I've spent the evening at the park with all four kids & the jogging stroller.

  7. I too an a fan of watching healthy food type documentaries and such. I also agree we all have instincts of how to eat properly. You and Heather both inspire me to eat better & try more. Its so nice to get out more.I've spent the evening at the park with all four kids & the jogging stroller.

  8. I too an a fan of watching healthy food type documentaries and such. I also agree we all have instincts of how to eat properly. You and Heather both inspire me to eat better & try more. Its so nice to get out more.I've spent the evening at the park with all four kids & the jogging stroller.

  9. I love your plan! I hope you have a fantastic week & that the rain holds off for your walks & so your crops can grow. Cheers!

  10. I am so excited about the sun! We've had so little here forever, it seems like! I can't wait to hear what you decide about your juicer (no advice here, sorry), good luck finding the perfect one!

  11. Your meal plans always, always make me so hungry!!!!! Did you end up with sun? We did - I hope eastern WA didn't steal it from you. :)

  12. Hope you are able to enjoy the week outside! I have been tryingto push water around my house a lot. It is difficult as my older stepdaughters just hate it. We are planting a garden for the first time this year and hoping I get the kids excited about all the veggies, like yours are!

  13. LOVE the affimation! Also, I do have a blentec and LOVE it.


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!