This past week we had an unwanted visitor stop by. It is the season for germs, but I hoped we would avoid the dreaded holiday colds this year.
I don't look forward to cold and flu season. With small children once one catches a cold, it seems like the rest of us are just dominoes waiting to fall. So one by one we all came down with a sniffly, miserable cold.
I took the opportunity to declare a few pajama days, pushing liquids, movies and cartoons on demand as a must to get my crew feeling better.
Kleenex has always been my family's favorite brand of facial tissues. Durable and soft were always a winning combination for whatever we needed them for. When I was 6, my dad showed me how to crumple one tissue and then cover with another. A little embroidery floss tied around the ball and leaving a long tail to drag it behind me, I had the perfect cat toy for my first kitten, Sneakers. She would pounce and rip the tissue toy to shreds. I loved making them for her and am sure we both created quite a mess around the house playing.
I developed a sore throat not long after my son's runny nose showed up. So, I decided it was time to stock up on cold and flu supplies for the season. This was my chance to #SharetheSoft with my kids, so Kleenex brand tissues was at the top of my shopping list.
We grabbed some essentials like cold and cough medication, citrus fruit, Chap Stick, and cough drops, but it took a few Walmart stores before I found what I was really looking for. You can see my entire shopping experience in my Google+ album.
Now if you can find them, grab the 4-pack of Kleenex that has the Vudu movie coupon on the front. Not only will you get a great tissue brand, an essential this season, but you can treat your sick crew to their favorite movie on Vudu.
I had to call around to find out which stores had it in stock. I spoke with one manager who checked for me before I drove all the way to his store a few towns over. We talked about the promotion and how excited I was to take advantage of it with my kids. When I went to pick up a box at that store I realized many people were stocking up as well. The woman ahead of me grabbed 4 boxes. I bumped into the manager and when he noticed I was buying Kleenex brand, he made sure to let me know about the promotion. I love how word spreads quickly! I bet he will be telling even more people about it since our conversation.
So what is Vudu? Well, it might just be my favorite way to rent movies at home. No returns, and it streams right to the device of your choice.
There are directions on the back of the Vudu coupon on the Kleenex box. Just head over to and enter your promo code. You will be prompted to start an account, which is easy and doesn't cost anything. You can hit "skip" when it asks for credit card information. Just use your credit with any of the thousands of movies all available instantly.
I chose to enable our TV. I even got more free movie credit for just setting up my account. Look under devices to decide where you want to watch your free movie.
The kids helped me browse the Disney movie section and there were many things they want to watch including Brave and James and the Giant Peach, but we eventually decided on Ratatouille. I love that rat!
Of course there are other great movies and new rentals to browse. The selection is huge and you don't have to worry about your favorite already being rented out.
What does your family like to do when they are sick? What supplies do you keep on hand this time of year?
Connect with Kleenex on Facebook to stay up on promotions, offers and product information.
*Disclaimer - I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Kleenex® Brand Tissues #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions and experiences are my own.

You did a great job Andrea! Hope your crew is feeling better! We love the Kleenex 4 pack with Vudu coupon as well and have already redeemed our c coupon. :)