Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Not Your Fault and I Can Prove It, by Steve Shenk

book review

Released February 22, 2013, It's Not Your Fault and I Can Prove It is a motivational primer that asks us to believe in magic. Yes, we hold the power to create our own success, happiness and future. The key is to let go and remember it's not your fault.

Written by Steve Shenk, with 40 years behind him in sales and market development, he came across hundreds of people all who helped to shape his understanding of the human experience. Through their struggles and triumphs he saw a chance to achieve greater things and even reach magnificence. As we all know, humans have basic needs: food, shelter and safety. We all start out with those same needs, but why do some people succeed where others fail? This book attempts to answer those questions by leading us through a series of encounters and conversations between the "Guardian" and a man named, Michael.

"This book is called It's Not Your Fault. (xxi)" ...and if that sounds like a strange way to begin a motivational journey (no, it's not an excuse!), just hold onto your hat because there are a lot of statements included in this book to really get you thinking.

Michael is a reflection of all of us with our own struggles through life - good or bad. The Guardian shares with Michael keys to grow, succeed and make changes in his life. All which help him to let go of blame and feelings of victimization enabling him to be happy and find personal success.

Some of my favorite points in the book included:

  • Making Lemonade out of our lives
  • Letting Go of Fault and Blame
  • The Past Doesn't Exist
  • And the Power of Faith
As I read Steve Shenk's book, I realized that many of the concepts were not new to me. Perhaps they are not new to you either, but I loved that they were all bound up together in one book meant to make us think and question what is holding us back from happiness. Many of the keys the Guardian passed to Michael were very similar to things my Grandmother used to say or passed down to her family. She definitely believed in working hard and creating a positive outlook on life.

We can take control of our lives and "It's Not Your Fault" is a great way to begin.

Giveaway Time!!!

I have one copy of "It's Not Your Fault and I Can Prove It" by Steve Shenk to give away to one lucky Adventures in All Things Food reader. This book makes a fascinating read or a great gift for someone that might need some words of wisdom. This giveaway ends 3/21/2013 at midnight PST. Open to the US.

1. Just leave a comment below with why you would like to win a copy.

2. For an additional entry, tweet the following & leave the URL in the comments section:
Win a copy of "It's Not Your Fault" & get the secrets to finding magnificence in your life. @notimeMom (ends 3/21)

*DisclaimerI received a copy of "It's Not Your Fault and I Can Prove It" for this review from MomSelect and the publisher.  All experiences and opinions are my own.


  1. I wont want to win. I NEED I NEED...

  2. I definitely need to remember the past doesn't exist!

  3. I would love to win this for my sister


  5. It sounds like a really good book to read. I've recently been reading books about life and faith.

  6. I think my mom would really enjoy this book!

  7. This book looks really interesting! Thanks for the post.

  8. I'd love to win this book because sometimes saying "let it go" isn't that easy.

  9. I would love to win this book. I need to remember to leave the past in the past.

  10. I'd love to read this myself. But even more, I'd love to share it with my daughter who has been having some self-confidence issues lately!

  11. I tweeted!


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