Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Poached Eggs in Chard over Brown Rice

The name may not be elegant, but the flavors and preparation are simple with a delicious outcome. Last week we were on the road for our annual Winter vacation. This is really the only time of year my husband can get away. Luckily not may people plan there vacations for February so we are able to get some great deals and beat the crowds along our journey.


Of course, all that eating out took a toll on my body and this week I have planned some simpler fare at home. One of my go-to recipes is this poached egg and sauteed chard favorite. Yes, eggs are always on the menu since my hens are now laying at least 10 - 13 a day. This simple lunch cooks up quickly and is enough to satisfy even my husband's huge farmer appetite.

Chard is one of my favorite dark leafy greens because it will grow all Winter in my garden without any special care. It also grows back well after the leaves are harvested. Spinach doesn't do well with Winter temperatures and kale starts to get buggy this time of year, but my chard is ever faithfully growing.

I first read about chard in Barbra Kingslover's book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life. She talked about seeing the colorful stalks of rainbow chard at her local farmer's market.  Included in the book were several of her family's favorite recipes and I adapted this one from hers. I didn't grow up eating chard, but have fallen in love with it ever since.

healthy eating

Sadly, my chickens are also fans of the plants. This Winter I didn't have enough to get me through, but at least I know that added nutrition is making it's way into their eggs. I picked up this red Swiss Chard at our local grocery store. Not as good or colorful as my garden chard, but will do in a pinch.

This recipe uses plain ingredients, nothing fancy, but nothing artificial.

Poached Eggs in Chard

You Will Need:
  • 1 Tbsp. butter, unsalted
  • olive oil as needed
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion, diced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 bunch of Swiss Chard (I like the color and contrast from red or rainbow varieties)
  • 1/2 c. chicken stock
  • 4 eggs
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • Parmesan cheese, freshly grated *optional
  • cooked brown rice or other base to serve the chard mixture over

healthy recipe

Assemble your ingredients and begin by sauteing your onions and garlic in butter and olive oil till soft. Rinse and chop the chard into bite-sized pieces. Why butter? Well, it will help the eggs not stick later. I try not to use non-stick pans when possible.

simple lunch

When the onions are done, add in the chard to start wilting. Add chicken stock and simmer for a minute or two.

chard recipe

Make 4 small wells in the chard mixture and fill with one egg each. I topped these with a little freshly grated Parmesan cheese, completely optional. Add a little salt and pepper then cover and let these poach to your desired firmness.

I like to serve mine over brown rice, but it is equally nice over quinoa or bulgar.



  1. Wow I have to try that! Visiting from Bloggin' Social Media FB Group.

    I also followed you GFC and Networked Blogs. Check out my blog at htt://

  2. My neighbor grows chard in their garden and offered me some last year. My husband was cooking dinner at the time that he came over, so my husband started cooking it. It was rather good. I'll have to try it this way. A great healthy meal. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Chard is one of the few veggies I have not tried--nor have I had a poached egg in more years then I wish to contemplate--this is one dish I could probably prepare for just me (single serving)--THANK YOU!!

  4. We don't eat egss but I have been dying to try swiss chard!! It looks delicious in this recipe!!

  5. Ever since having kids, I just can't eat kids. Stupid pregnancy. BUT, my husband loves them! He would really love this recipe!

  6. This actually look pretty darn good! I would have never thought of adding chard, but now I have got to try it!

  7. This sounds fantastic. I'm always looking for healthy recipes!

  8. This recipe looks and sound good. I have never had swiss chard.

  9. Sounds delicious, I have never had poched eggs or chard, sounds like a great combination!

  10. That sounds delicious! chard sounds effortless to grow so with my brown thumb i should grow it too!


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