Friday, April 5, 2013

Join the Party with Ultimate Blog Party 2013!! #UBP13

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Welcome to the party! The Ultimate Blog Part is blogging party created by 5 Minutes for Mom and it grows by leaps and bounds every year! Check out how to participate on their party post, create your own, link up and start visiting other great blogs out there.

I love parties. Time to spend with friends, mingling and meeting new faces. Every year I am excited to meet new bloggers and find amazing new blogs through the UBP. This marks my 4th year linking up and we have grown around here.

This blog is all about my family, our food and life on the farm. We love throwing a good party. Here are some of the party highlights from the past year:

We threw a magical Cinderella Princess Party for friends.

We got a little crazy with our in-home Men In Black 3 viewing party. This post was full of crazy treats and craft ideas.

And most recently we threw a March Basketball Party for our fellow sports enthusiasts. With a sandwich bar and lots of munchies to keep everyone happy.

Of course, I invite your to browse around my recipes. I love spending time in my kitchen and though sweets are always popular around here, I do make a variety of dishes for my family. Here is a highlight of the past few weeks:

  1. Chocolate Brioche
  2. Korean Tacos in the crock pot with homemade Kimchi
  3. Baked Lemon Pasta with Kale
  4. Homemade Sandwich Cookies (Faux-reos)
  5. From Scratch Banana Pudding Parfaits
  6. Mini Heath Chocolate Cakes

And the farm? Well, this time year the guys are busy tilling and planting. My chickens are busy scratching in the yard and I am getting set to plant our family garden out back. You can expect to find more gardening tips and tricks on my blog as the weather heats up here in Oregon.

I am currently getting ready for baby #3 in June, a little boy we are going to name Elliott. This means there will be a few more product and baby focused posts, but family and food have always been the reason why I created this blog back in 2007 with the birth of my first child.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you will come back during the growing season and check out what we are up to. Life is never boring around here - it is always an adventure!

Connect with me on my Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.


  1. Hi,

    I come for the party ^___*. I like to "meet" new bloggers friend through this party. Lovely parties shots that you took.

    Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: See you at my blog ;)

    1. So glad to meet you Juliana! Yes, I am making the UBP rounds and will definitely stop by your blog. Have a great weekend of blog hopping. :)

  2. What a fabulous looking party!
    Stopping by the UBP13 to say Hello!! Hope you have a fabulous week :)

  3. Stopping by from the UBP! Nice to "meet" you. :) I too have a love for cooking & gardening. I'm also expecting baby #7 in May, congrats on your newest little one!


  4. Omg, I love your creativeness. I can't wait to follow along with your blog.. =)

  5. Wow your parties look amazing! Congrats on your new baby thats coming!

    Stopping by to say hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!

  6. Highly descriptive blog, I loved that bit.
    Will there be a part 2?

    My blog post ...

  7. Oh my gosh... those are some of the sweetest photos! Your kids must have the best life. And I wish I could swing by your farm for a snack.


I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!