Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bound to You, by Lola James - Review & Author Interview

*I am posting as a Promotional Book Tours blogger and was given a complementary e-copy to facilitate my review.

Bound to You (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)

Toni’s life is just one complication after another. First, her past comes back to her, then she has to deal with a psycho, and now it’s the biggest of them all. A choice that could destroy one life and be the bright future to the other. How is a girl supposed to choose between two men that she loves?

On one hand, she has the Greek god Hades, the love from her past and the other, Ben the hot Vampire nurse that she met just over a week ago. Both have captured her heart in their own individual ways but whose love is the greatest?

Who does she ultimately love the most?

In the end, a decision is made in Bound to you…

**This Book Includes Sexual Content**

Bound to Remember, a Paranormal Romance (Book 1 of the Spellbound Series) FREE
Unbound, a Paranormal Romance (Book 2 of the Spellbound Series) $2.99
Bound to You (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)

Amazon / Barnes & Noble

My Review

I loved reading Bound to You, and highly recommend it as a great addition to your Summer reading bag! Though, I suggest reading the first two books in the series beforehand to best understand and follow this one. It helps to tie up some loose ends.

The characters were all real, well written and likable. Toni is the sort of gal you want to be friends with at work, and the love interests were both equally swoon-worthy. I am still impressed how author Lola James was able to weave a story combining Vampires, Witches and Greek Mythology so seamlessly. Why don't I read more books combining all these great elements?

A quick and enjoyable read, there are moments that get steamy and others when I just couldn't tear myself away from the page. I can't wait to read more installments with the other characters. They all have a story to tell and Lola James is doing a great job telling it!


Here is my interview with author, Lola James. She is one author I would love to have over for tea to discuss her books in more detail.

Hi Lola. I am so excited for the chance to interview you about your book, Bound to You. The series was delightful and made for a perfect weekend read. I can't wait to read more about Ben and Dawn.

Thank you for having me here and I hope I can answer all of your questions without giving too much away.

Q1: I love supernatural romance, usually the books center on one or two supernatural creatures. What made you decide to write about vampires, Greek mythology and witches all in one story?

A1: Those are the three that I love. I fell in love with Greek mythology in High School and I wanted a story that that told what ifs. Like what if Persephone tricked Hades or what if Hades wasn't evil so I put MY what ifs into a book and it makes for a hell of a twist. And I blame Annie Rice for making me fall in love with Louis de Pointe du Lac in the Vampire Chronicles then there are witches who doesn't love them. Magic rocks.

Q2: Who is your favorite character in the book? Who did you have the most fun writing?

A2: My favorite is Dawn by far and she surprised me. I had not planned for Toni to have a sidekick in this story, but Dawn came along and I loved writing her voice. As for fun I enjoy writing from the point of view of the men in my books. Both Ben and Hades are fun to write for. I can finally get into the mind of a man and make him do what I want… selfish huh? Lol

Q3: Will we see any werewolves enter the Spellbound stories in the future?

A3: Maybe, I am not really fond of werewolves, but I do like temptation and werewolves can be tempting. And of course new characters are always fun.

Q4: Most writing I have seen about Hades does not portray him as a great guy. Why did you decide to make him so dreamy? Who is your favorite Greek god?

A4: I just never liked the depiction of him being dark and evil and all the others so dreamy. If the gods are all related why is Hades the one that is ugly and mean. Plus, I wanted to give Zeus a run for his money. My favorite is Aphrodite. Any woman that can influence love has my vote.

Q5: I have to admit Bound to You’s ending was gut wrenching for me. Truly an impossible choice. Do you usually write a story with the ending in mind? Or do you write and see where the story leads?

A5: It was I know. I feared how people would like it. So far it’s getting good reviews and I hope that keeps. I knew the ending when I started writing the book. Getting there was the challenge. You see the whole book plays in my mind like a movie. I just have to catch the important parts of the story and write those down.

Q6: Anything else you would love to share with my readers?

A6: Yes, the Spellbound series could be infinite. I plan to tell each of the main characters stories. I am hoping that they all get a happily ever after but playing with gods and monsters you never know.

I have another series, The Fate Trilogy with the first book Fate’s Design available now. The second book in that series is coming out soon. Check those out if you like my writing and want to read more from me!!!

A big thank you to Lola for sharing her thoughts and answers here on the blog.


About Lola

Lola JamesLola James has been reading romance novels since her teens, and fell in love with the paranormal after discovering Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles. Her love of the dark worlds of vampires and witches, as well as her fascination with Greek mythology led her to create the Spellbound Series, an ongoing Paranormal Romance combining all of the above into tales of suspense with a little bit of humor in an Urban Fantasy setting.

A long time lover of reading and writing with a passion for a great story, James became discouraged by the complicated and arbitrary publishing process, James had initially set down her laptop and her hopes of being a writer. However, with the purchase of her first e-reader, James became re-energized by the new possibilities for an undiscovered author to reach the masses. Dusting off her keyboard she finally finished Bound to Remember, the first book of the Spellbound Series and self-published it. Energized and ambitious, James is now hard at work on both the Spellbound Series as well as the Fate Series, a paranormal romance about dreams and what happens if they come true.

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