Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Focus on Mom this Mother's Day By Joining the #SocialBlackout #sponsored

#Sponsored - I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.


Does this look familiar? My husband is quite the online Scrabble fan.

Really focus on the Moms in your life this Mother's Day by unplugging from social media and participating in a #SocialBlackout with MetLife.

Sadly, even though neither my husband nor I grew up with social media, cell phones, tablets, etc., they have become a common site in our home. With blogging I am constantly checking and adding content to various social media accounts. But, my children are getting older and all eyes are on us, so have been trying to limit the amount of time they see Mommy and Daddy with a device in hand. From tweets, texts, direct messages and instagram photos it can take away from being present with our family.

Of course my children have their devices as well, but I have strict limits on their time using them. It is too easy for them to get wrapped up in a game.

This past month has really made me think more about being present as a family. We may all be in the same room together, but it isn't quality time unless we are making eye-contact and interacting. After some health scares with my husband's grandparents, I really appreciate that we are all here to celebrate Mother's Day together this year. My grandparents passed away while I was still in school and I really value the time my children can spend with both grandparents and great grandparents.

This Sunday (May 12th) I plan to unplug. You can call it my Mother's Day gift to myself. I can go 24 hours without checking for notifications on my phone and even sharing my latest pictures. I know the world will still go on. I want to invite you to join me, too!

MetLife has created the #SocialBlackout movement so the Moms in your life can get the attention they really deserve. Check out the MetLife Facebook Page  for more information and join in on the event. Then spread the word to your friends and unplug this Sunday.

What great things will you not miss if you unplug?


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