With the help of her best friend Stella, her boyfriend Beau, and her grandmother Winifred, Ezzie must find out what happened to the ghost and set her free.
Secrets will be revealed that could change Ezzie’s life forever. Will Ezzie be strong enough to face the challenges set in her path?
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My Review:A fun and exciting new paranormal series not to miss!
Jessica Gibson created a whole world of magic. Characters with magic in their family, some not even knowing it. Ezzie and Stella are an inseparable pair of BFFs. Stella might not have the gift that Ezzie does, but she still helps out.
Throw in a hunky boy-next-door boyfriend, neighboring Mermaid and a cool grandmother and this story starts out with a great foundation of colorful and intriguing characters.
Ezzie seems to have everything going for her, but the author plants some doubt and family mysteries along the way that will keep me reading the series to figure out. Coming into her powers as a witch, being pushed to join a coven, and falling in love keeps her very busy. But after she is sought out by a ghostly fellow university student, she has much to learn as she tries to help the ghost find peace. Marked by a mysterious stranger though, Ezzie may need a little help of her own.
Curl up with Haunted U: School Spirits - Book One, a warm mug and a blanket. Get comfortable because you won't want to put it down.
Author Interview:
I was fortunate enough to catch Jessica Gibson for an interview about her book, Haunted U: School Spirits - Book One. She shared a little insight into her inspiration and the future of the series and characters.
Q1: What inspired you to write Haunted U (School Spirits)? You left readers with a major cliff-hanger, so, how many books do you hope to write for this series?
A: The inspiration behind Haunted U was a conversation I had with a fellow author friend of mine, Lola James, about my refrigerator sounding like it was haunted. It’s an old refrigerator, and it always makes these terrible moaning noises and tapping sounds. Lola and I joked about writing a book around a haunted refrigerator and thus Gerald was born, and the story formed from there.
I plan on a few more books in the series, it all depends on where the characters take me. I’ve
already started the 2nd book in the series, Ghostly Matters.
Q2: I loved that Gerald haunted a fridge. What or where would you choose to haunt if you were a ghost?
A: I think I would haunt a library, unlimited books!! Or really anywhere with a lot of people so I wouldn’t get too lonely.
Q3: Mermaids, ghosts and witches, what paranormal creatures would you like to see Ezzie meet next?
A: The next book in the series is going to focus mostly on ghosts (at least that’s how my outline is right now, but that could very well change lol) Maybe further in the series I’d like to introduce some Fae characters, and possibly some lesser known paranormal creatures.
Q4: Wini is the grandmother everyone wants to have. Did you base her on anyone you know? Besides keeping a closet stocked with pajamas, what would you want to do as a fun grandmother?
A: I didn't really base her on anyone I know, she’s sort of a mash-up of my grandmas, and the grandma we all wish we had. I love the idea of Ezzie being sent to Wini in the summertime, I think I would like to be the fun grandma who takes the kids on adventures.
Q5: Stella is a great friend, but often left out of the magical side of things. If you were a non-
magic friend of a witch, would you choose to see what your friend does?
A: I for sure would make the same choice Stella made. It would be hard to be on the outside of all of that, never really knowing what was going on.
Q6: Anything else you would like to share with my readers?
A: I’ve got a lot of fun books in the works this year. Book 3 in the Blood Ties series, Book 2 in the Wedding series, plus a few stand alone novels!!!
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