Did you know that domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women in their lifetime? I have seen what domestic violence can do to a woman's self esteem and self confidence, and that isn't even the physical outward signs of abuse. What amazes me is that most people are unaware someone is suffering around them. It is always easier to turn a blind eye, but women are also good at hiding the signs out of fear, shame, etc.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and time to start up a conversation with family, friends and coworkers about getting help and letting others help.
The Allstate Foundation started the Purple Purse campaign as a symbol for domestic violence. By gaining financial independence, women can break the cycle, hence the purse. Whether it is fear for themselves or for their children, many women are afraid to walk away. Currently in it's third year, this campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs designed to assist survivors of domestic violence and other women in need.
So what can you do? Well, start passing the Purple Purse.
I will be getting a physical purse to pass on thanks to the Allstate Foundation and MomSelect, but everyone can get involved by passing around a virtual purse. Head over to www.purplepurse.com or click on the image above, enter the code: 0030, and then enter your zipcode on the map.
I would love to see this purse being passed all over the country, so send a virtual purse to your friends and relatives. Start that conversation and make a difference in the fight against Domestic Violence.
Check out the Facebook page for the Purple Purse campaign to learn even more. Talk about it online and follow using hashtag #purplepurse.

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