*Disclaimer - I was given a complimentary copy of The Scent of Roses in exchange for my honest review as a reviewer with Promotional Book Tours . All experiences and opinions are my own.
Dressed In White
My Review:
To be in love... Lorelei and her long time boyfriend Dillon are perfect. A real-life Barbie and Ken who are destined to be together. But, it is a little hard to plan a wedding with a shadow from Dillon's past haunting them at every corner. They know they want to be together, but is love enough? This book was a great reminder that real love isn't like in the fairy tales, but that doesn't mean people aren't supposed to end up together.
I enjoyed reading Dressed in White by Jessica Gibson. The writing was clever and contemporary. Passages like: "...we had both tried out for cheerleading our freshman year and neither of us made it. That was the beginning of the end, it was love at first snark." made me giggle. But, at the same time my heart went out to Lorelei. I really wanted to see the wedding take place and for everything to go back to normal.
A quick read, a good solid piece of fun chick-lit, I would recommend Dressed in White for the pure fun of reading.
About Jessica Gibson
Jessica Gibson is a recovering bookaholic, she's down from four books a week to a more reasonable one. It was that love of words and creativity that made her dream about writing her first book. That dream was hidden for years, always put on the back burner, filed away in the "someday" section, until her husband Matt gave her the kick in the pants she needed to actually get off her butt and write.
Jessica and Matt live in Southern California and have a serious addiction to reality tv shows like Pawn Stars and American Restoration. They have one son and hope to add to the family in the near future.
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