*Disclaimer - I was given a complimentary copy of The Scent of Roses in exchange for my honest review as a reviewer with Promotional Book Tours . All experiences and opinions are my own.
Mirror Deep by Joss Landry
…Roll like thunder in Kat Bonner’s world, when a known felon comes to the ranch to drop a bomb about her past. Kat turns to Pierce for help, the same Pierce who bucks her every chance he gets … and whose feverish investigation lands them in trouble with the law and directly in the path of a serial killer. Mystery deepens, fraught with wrong turns, bumbling detectives, old murders, and Kat’s doppelganger no one ever sees but her, just as she never sees the change in Pierce’s feelings toward her brewing, mounting, until she can no longer deny them.Buy on Amazon | Paperback | Kobo | B&N | EBookPie | Scribd
My Review:Kat Bonner is a great character, a wild and headstrong gal who reminded me of the gorgeous horses in the story. Her gift is in working with horses, but life has a few surprises for this country girl. I felt she was in need of the right kind of love, not taming, just understanding and appreciation. Of course, she finds it in the most unlikely of places.
But this story is no tame romance. Instead, the characters are thrust into a great mystery. Faced with a mysterious past and danger in her present, Kat turns to Pierce. It is fun to watch that relationship change and develop. I found myself rooting for him the whole time but there is so much going on in the story, it is hard to tell what will happen next.
A wonderful story from Joss Landry. It will not be the last book I read of hers.
Author Interview:
I recently had the pleasure of reading Mirror Deep and I am very excited to ask you a few questions
regarding your book.
Thank you for reading my book, Andrea. I appreciate readers, and any feedback they give.
1. What inspired you to write Mirror Deep?
Well, I am familiar with horses. When my children were
younger, all four of them belonged to our local chapter of the Pony Club. While the children learned
to ride, and participated in local competitions and dressage events, we lived on a small 50 acre hobby
farm and took all sorts of courses on how to raise horses, which also included horse reproduction. As
part-time, urbanite farmers, we also cropped the best horse hay in a 100 mile radius. Come fall, our
barn would own the sweetest smell… Although wouldn’t last long. Wouldn’t take a week before horse
farms in the area came by truck to buy most of our hay. Writing Mirror Deep brought it all back. Good
2. Would you consider yourself a horse person? Did you pull from personal experience to write about
Kat's talents with horses?
I love horses. I used to stand on the deck and stare at one of our horses in the pasture. She or he would
raise their long neck and turn to stare right back at me. They’d come running. Magical creatures. My
children were fortunate to ride and learn at Ian Millar’s farm. To see Ian work with his horse Big Ben was
fabulous. Together they won more than 40 Grand Prix titles worldwide. He now holds the record for most
Olympic appearances. He brought back the Silver for Canada in 2012.
3. Kat is a headstrong heroine. Do you think this is an important characteristic for a modern romance? What attributes do you believe make for a lovable female character?
Another great question. I admit, Kat is headstrong, and the first thing people around me asked, was if
I had modeled her on myself. We do share some points. However, Kat is less careful than I am more
prone to action. I believe her determination and courage to solve her issues while throwing caution to
the wind are attributes I like in a heroine. My heroine and hero need to be a little bigger than life to
please me and have me tagging along on any adventure.
4. Do you have a favorite romance story or author?
I have so many, much too difficult to pick and choose only one. I am a fan of mysteries, P.D. James
would be my favorite in that category. I like Sandra Gulland with: The Many Lives &Secret Sorrows Of
Josephine B. one of the great love stories of all times.
5. What is your favorite Fall food or dish?
Pumpkin bread, and pumpkin pies, apple pies. Deep dish vegetable stew with buckwheat noodles or sticky rice on the side. Freshly picked apples.
6. Anything else you would like to share with my readers?
From someone who’s had more lives than a cat … I have found useful to never take life for granted. I Enjoy each and every little joy as though the moment was my last, and through the wise teachings of Ho’oponopono, I am slowly getting closer to my goals.
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