Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Blood That Cries in The Ground, by Gregory Bellarmine - My Review

I was provided a review copy from Promotional Book Tours to facilitate a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.


by Gregory Bellarmine

"The Greatest Myth Ever Dispelled"

Italy. A tough master of novices, Father Dante encounters the bold young priest Antonio who challenges his identity and accuses him of being the Saint Nicholas. But despite the Father faking his death, a determined Antonio discovers a rather alive Dante arrayed in kilt and armor.

In return for Antonio’s silence—and to protect the town from attracting all manner of darkness—Dante agrees to tell his life story. Without explanation, Dante orders Antonio to meet him at night in the abandoned Cathedral, the site of a former battle that the Church has kept secret for a generation.

Until today.

The Criskindl. Ice Steeds. The Unborn. Saint.

From the Dark Ages’ when Poet-Sorcerers ruled kings, to the Holy Land when a new civilization was rising, to Revolutionary France where love is lost and gained, Father Dante pursues the one responsible for both his master and his mother’s deaths: Black Peter, his brother.

 “The Blood That Cries in the Ground will grab the reader by the throat with a death grip from which it is impossible to break free.” -Reviewed by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite

My Review: 
A wild claim by the young priest Antonio that Father Dante is actually THE Saint Nicholas... a mysterious death, a loss at birth, and power beyond explanation. Welcome to Gregory Bellarmine's The Blood That Cries in The Ground, a imaginative and suspenseful story. Seemed like once Amhairghen is introduced to new characters, they meet a bad end. But, the author does a great job of hitting the reader with these losses when we least expect them.

Dark, bloody and gripping, the tale that Nicholas tells will have any fantasy lover hanging on his every word. There is a lot going on with the plot, vocabulary and leap of faith by the reader, but I promise it is all worth it. Definitely not a cartoon worthy St. Nicholas, but a great story for the rest of us.
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About the Author
Gregory Bellarmine is the author of the bestselling "Monthly Roman Breviary" and "the Father Dante Journals." He considers himself a non-denominational, Didache Christian and lives a happy though sometimes sleepless life in the UK with his wife, two children and rather cheeky Parson Russell Terrier.

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Publishers Website: Christian Books Today

  Follow the tour: Andrea

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