Friday, December 6, 2013

Holiday Progressive Dinner - Rosemary Potato Roll Recipe and Giveaway

*Disclaimer - I received the Silpat products to facilitate this review and assist in my holiday baking.  No monetary compensation was received and a positive review was not required.  As with all Adventures in All Things Food & Family reviews, all opinions and experiences are my own.  

Welcome back to our Holiday Progressive Dinner Series. This is the sixth week, we had a little break in there to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with our friends and family. I hope you had a great one. This week our sponsor is a company that truly has made me a better baker, Silpat.

The Original Non-Stick Baking Mat has been my constant workhorse since I discovered it 7 years ago. I am not even sure my Mom would put parchment paper down when she baked cookies. We always made them directly on the baking sheet.

My eyes were opened when I first tried Silpat. My cookies released perfectly, the mat was easy to rinse off and reuse, my baking sheets lasted longer and the bottoms of my cookies were beautifully golden. Oh, and then I discovered Silpat is my friend for all sorts of sticky endeavors. Sugar work? Caramel corn? It is like a magic mat. I love any chance to shave minutes off scrubbing my baking sheets.

Now you can find these all over, most baking sections carry the Silpat brand, but what surprised me was there are many other great products from Silpat as well!

Have you ever heard of Roul'Pat? The ultimate in non-stick rolling surfaces, this has been a joy for kneading bread, rolling out pie crusts as well as making items like scones. Growing up our house had grout on the kitchen counters, grout and tile. I mean, really? This would have saved me hours of scraping dough off the counter.

On their website I have also started drooling over their new black Silpain mat special for bread baking. It is supposed to help achieve the perfect crusty finish. I know it is on my Christmas list!

Connect with Silpat on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to stay up on all the latest and greatest products and promotions.

This week we are back to posting our holiday menus. This week I have a holiday favorite to share with you. Something my husband just won't celebrate holidays without...

Holiday Progressive Dinner Week 6 Recipe Links

Side Dish Rosemary Potato Rolls at Adventures in All Things Food

Vegetable Easy Crock-Pot Green Beans at Flour on My Face

Dessert Pumpkin Silk Pie at The Gunny Sack

I am rather partial to potatoes myself, I think it is the Polish or German side of me. But a good mashed russet is also the perfect base for the most moist and delectable potato rolls. Just little pillows of buttery, rosemary happiness.

My MIL claims that the key to these rolls is making them often. I couldn't agree more! When I used to make them monthly, did I mention my husband loves them? Well, I had much more consistent results. My recipe calls for a good 2 cups of mashed potatoes. Either plain potatoes, or you are welcome to use leftover mashed potatoes from a previous dinner.

The beauty is the simplicity of the recipe.

I usually like to start mine by hand and then finish the kneading and incorporating the flour with my stand mixer. The dough will be sticky. Sticky equals soft and moist rolls.

These work so well if you happen to have a fire going in the wood stove. Rising for me is always more consistent. I just put the dough in my dough bucket and snap the lid on. It helps to keep in all the moisture.

If you don't have a dough rising bucket, go for kitchen wrap sprayed lightly with non-stick spray over a large bowl. Then I get a flour sack cloth damp and put it over the top. You just don't want the top of the dough to dry out.

Once the potato roll dough has doubled, Create your rolls and place in a greased baking dish. Let them puff up again, then brush them with butter, a sprinkle of kosher salt and some chopped rosemary.

Let them rise a little more, then bake them for 20- 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

Rosemary Potato Rolls

You Will Need:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 T salt
  • 6 Tbsp. butter, softened + 4 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • 2 c. mashed potatoes
  • 3/4 c. warm reserved potato water
  • 4 1/2 tsp. yeast
  • 4 1/4 c. bread flour + more for forming
  • kosher salt
  • 1/4 c. Rosemary, stems removed and coarsely chopped.
Add the ingredients, except the flour, kosher salt and rosemary, to a large bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. I like to add 2 cups of flour and mix by hand. Then I transfer it all over to the stand mixer and slowly start adding the additional flour. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes on medium low.

Transfer the sticky dough to a well-greased bowl or dough rising bucket to double in bulk. It will take between an hour or two depending on the age of the yeast and how warm your kitchen is.

Spray your baking dishes with non-stick spray. Then divide your dough into 16 - 18 equals balls. Space them out slightly in your pan. They shouldn't touch. Cover them with kitchen wrap and a damp towel . Let them rise for another hour or two until the rolls start to crowd each other.

Brush the rolls with melted butter, sprinkle with kosher salt and rosemary. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes until the tops are golden brown. Feel free to brush with remaining melted butter when they first come out of the oven. Serve warm if possible.

Giveaway Time!!

Silpat has a prize package for one lucky reader.  Enter using the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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