Monday, December 9, 2013

The Ultimate for any LEGO Fan - Customize a Minifigure Holiday Card

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of LEGO for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Do you have a LEGO fan in your house?

I think the love of LEGO was passed down genetically through my husband to my 6-year old son. My husband adored his LEGO collection - his pirate ship, his working train and other sets we have heard him talk about. My son is following in his building footsteps.

For birthdays or holidays, my son wants LEGO anything. From his lunchbox cutlery to his favorite shirts, it all must have those multicolored bricks we all love.

This year I became the coolest Mom by having my son help me customize our own Minifigure family for our holiday card.

It was so easy to create! And, yes, my son chose the bow-tie and suspenders for his own Minifigure.
All you have to do is head over to to create your own LEGO Minifigure Family.

First add in each member of your family, up to 13 family members, including yourself.  You can customize each Minifigure down to their skintone, clothing, hair, etc. There are even options for adding in your cat, dog or baby.

Next you get to set the scene. There were many to choose from, but we decided on the classic Christmas Home. Then we selected the greeting for our card.

Last, there are multiple options for sharing, posting and downloading your card. My son wants to share his creation with everyone. He is so proud of his Minifigure family.

Are you up for the challenge? What kind of Minifigure family will you and your LEGO fans create?

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