As a kid, I distinctly remember being swayed in my cereal choices by what toy or treat was in the box. Of course, taste was important, but ultimately I looked for those fun extras like prizes or back of the box fun.
My son is just like his Mama.
Right now participating Target stores have specially marked boxes of General Mills cereal that contain a DC Comics Justice League comic book inside.
My son had no idea what a comic book was. I have a feeling that he will be talking in sound effect bubbles soon. He was blown away by all the fun onomatopoeias.
Since Cheerios is already a cereal I enjoy for snacks and as a finger food for the baby, I am happy to grab one of the specially marked boxes to keep my oldest son happy.
Currently he wants to read anything and everything. Glad that General Mills can help fuel his love of reading.
Now I just have to get him to remember to eat breakfast.
What is your family's favorite General Mills cereal?

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