Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Buttery Beef Stroganoff For Dinner Tonight

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Growing up my Dad used to make Beef Stroganoff for dinner. Okay, it wasn't exactly like the version I created. His recipe was a little heavy handed on the sour cream and I assume it came out of a can or a box. It was the 80's and we can leave it at that. Today I  can still remember the hearty beef flavor and the tangy sauce served over a plate of egg noodles.

Sometimes even childhood classics can use a little overhaul.

I actually attempted a stroganoff a few years back using lamb. It was so good, but since the onions and mushrooms were sauteed in a mixture of butter and olive oil, it wasn't what you would call a light dish.

So what happened when I found out Star made a butter flavored olive oil? Well, thoughts of stroganoff started dancing through my head.

I found the bottle of Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil at Walmart. Usually that is not where I go to shop for olive oil, but on a weekly shopping trip the bottle on the shelf caught my eye. You can only find it at Walmart, by the way, so grab one the next time you go on a Walmart run.

For this dish I wanted beef tenderloin or top sirloin. My local Safeway meat department had a great cut of Rancher's Reserve Beef that looked perfect. This section is always well stocked with cuts for all my family's favorite recipes.

Honestly, there is no reason to resort to a box for this meal. It was simple and fast to make The first shortcut I used was the butter flavored olive oil. Yes, all the health benefits of olive oil...and a buttery rich taste without the guilt.

I started by slicing my beef thin and browning it on both sides in a little olive oil. Beef always tastes better with a little butter, right?

Then I used the same oil and pan drippings to saute the onions and crushed garlic. I made sure they were soft and translucent.

Last, the mushrooms went in the pan. Usually I saute mushrooms in butter, but using olive oil is better for me. In this case it just tasted like they were sauted in butter.

To finish the dish I added a little flour to the mushrooms, beef stock, worstershire sauce and lemon juice. I let the sauce thicken just a little.

Then a few tablespoons of sour cream finished the sauce and gave it a creamy, smooth texture. Served over a plate of egg noodles is how I recommend enjoying this meal.

Well, that and bring a big appetite. This recipe makes plenty.

Print Friendly and PDF Buttery Beef Stroganoff

You Will Need:
  • Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil
  • 1 lb. top sirloin, sliced into thin strips
  • 1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 8 oz. crimini mushrooms, sliced thin
  • 2 Tbsp. flour
  • 1 c. beef stock
  • 2 Tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 3 Tbsp. sour cream
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • parsley for garnish
  • egg noodles for serving

In a large skillet over medium-high heat put 1 tablespoon of Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil. Season the strips of beef with salt and pepper and saute in a single layer until just browned. Work in batches and set aside.

In the same pan sweat down the onions till translucent. Warm the garlic through for the last minute. Then transfer the onions and garlic to a bowl.

Then add the sliced mushrooms to the pan and more oil, if needed. Saute for about 5 minutes, until browned. Then return the meat and onions back to the pan, sprinkle with flour and add the stock and worchestershire sauce. Bring it all up to a low simmer to thicken slightly and then turn off the heat.

Mix in the lemon juice, sour cream and season to taste. Serve over a plate of egg noodles and garnish with chopped parsley.

This may be love. Just please don't tell the butter that it has been replaced with Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil. This dish tastes just as good with the switch, if not better.

What would you make with Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil for your family?

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