Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Memory Child, by Steena Holmes

I received an advanced copy from Book Sparks in order to write my honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Memory Child

When Brian finds out that his wife, Diane, is pregnant, he is elated. He’s been patiently waiting for twelve years to become a father. But Diane has always been nervous about having children because of her family’s dark past. The timing of the pregnancy also isn’t ideal—Diane has just been promoted, and Brian is being called away to open a new London office for his company.

Fast-forward one year: being a mother has brought Diane a sense of joy that she’d never imagined and she’s head over heels for her new baby, Grace. But things are far from perfect: Brian has still not returned from London, and Diane fears leaving the baby for even a moment. As unsettling changes in those around Diane began to emerge, it becomes clear that all is not as it seems.

A woman’s dark past collides head-on with her mysterious present in this surreal and gripping family drama.

My Review:
I had the pleasure of reading 2 of author Steena Holmes previous books, Emma's Secret and Finding Emma, both very powerful and beautifully written stories. So, I jumped at the chance to dive right into The Memory  Child. I have to admit that I finished the last few pages in a gush of tears. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, but don't get me wrong, I would go through it all over again in a heartbeat if it meant getting to read another Steena Holmes' story. This book was both touching and  heart breaking, all cleverly woven to alter your perception of the characters by the end.

Steena Holmes creates very relatable characters. Characters I fell in love with and completely became invested in. As the story unfolds I kept having to re-examine what I believed. I don't want to spoil any of the surprises, this is one journey you have to take for yourself.

Yes, you have to read it. Grab a copy for Spring Break or add it to your Summer reading list, just be sure to read it.

You can grab a copy from Amazon, available now.

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Steena Holmes grew up in a small town in Canada and holds a bachelor’s degree in theology. She is the author of eleven novels and novellas, including Finding Emma, for which she was awarded a National Indie Excellence Book Award in 2012. She currently lives in Calgary with her husband and three daughters, and loves to wake up to the Rocky Mountains each morning.

Twitter: @steenaholmes


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