Yes, I'm born to share my love of baking...
I love creating, decorating and sharing with friends and family all my crazy baking creations. I am passionate that anyone can bake. Yes, sometimes they don't turn out the way I planned, but I try to have all the right tools to give me the best chance at baking success. What tools do I use?
Funny you should ask...
Over at eBay they are encouraging people to create their own #ImBornTo inspirational collections. This is a fund raiser with March of Dimes. eBay's goal is to raise $25,000 for March of Dimes in March with a goal of 25,000 eBay collections - that is $1 donated for each collection curated. This is a collection for a cause, an easy way to support March of Dimes.
Even better, you have a chance to win!
Everyone who curates a collection with the #ImBornTo hashtag and meeting entry requirements (see official rules) will be entered for a chance to win a $5,000 prize. Cool right? Sweepstakes ends March 31, 2014... so hurry and create that collection.
To get you started, check out my #ImBornTo Share my Love of Baking collection. Yes, it is that easy to get involved.
Check out eBay’s Curate For a Cause page for all the details to get started today!

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