I know there has been several recipes up on the blog recently. Seems like the wet and gloomy Oregon Spring sends me straight into my kitchen for a little cooking therapy. It has been fun but I am ready to get outside and enjoy some warmer weather. I see long morning walks in my future and lots of tasty and healthy meal ideas.
Today was a rare day. No rain, no wind and plenty of cherry blossoms to enjoy in the orchard. I had the kids grab their boots and we went out.
Like caterpillars emerging from our cocoon house, the sun was bright and the air was crisp, but it was full of possibilies. Now I just need to convince my 10-month old that grass is not as horrible as he thinks.
Now, there haven't been any farm updates for quite a while, mainly because it was our down time. Things start up quickly around here though, and planting in both the ground and the greenhouse has begun. Now I just need to get my garden all planned out and organized. The ground still needs to be tilled up, but there is still plenty of time. Mid May should bring the last threat of a hard frost (not that we have had any cold snaps around here lately) and that is when I aim to have all my plants in the ground.
At least my husband doesn't give me that look anymore we I start planning my garden. As long as I don't ask him to help me, we are good. (Farmers do not garden in their free time.)
My helpers are much bigger this year and I have high hopes for getting them started weeding the garden. They already love to dig, so if I can just harness that power for good...
Hopefully older kiddos also means I will have a bit more time to actually enjoy my garden, canning and baking. At least I can hope, right?
Seems like last year Owen was about that far away from being able to pick the fruit, too. He is really excited to learn about canning this year and make his own jam. He eats enough of it, I thought it was high time he started to pull his own weight. I think I know what he will be giving everyone for gifts.
Nothing is certain about Spring other than we are full of hopes and plans. All can change, but I am excited about the possibilities. Like the trees in the cherry orchard, heavy with blossoms, there are good things coming on the farm... and soon.

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