Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Beamly: Stay Cool While You Dish with Fellow Fans

Is it hot? We have reached the hottest stretch in Summer and now I finding myself enjoying my favorite chair and air conditioning even more at the end of the day. Whether you TiVo or map out your night around your favorite shows, I hope you will come and join me on Beamly. Available on both the website and mobile through the Free Beamly App. It is the Summer home stretch for many of my favorites, as well as time to start trading news clips and updates about my Fall favorites set to return soon.

With just few more home chefs left for the final episodes of MasterChef (FOX), and the first episode of the much anticipated Outlander series coming in August to Starz. There is a lot of great shows to fall in love with, catch up on and talk about.

Then there is my favorite drama, Suits. With Mike hitting rock bottom, who knows what is going to happen?
And any Dr. Who fans out there? With a new Doctor things are sure to be interesting.

So head over to Beamly, look me up (Andrea Kruse) and connect so we can talk about some of your favorite shows. Everything's better with friends, and friends don't let friends obsess about TV alone.

Beamly is THE 24/7 social and content network for TV and TV fans. Join me today in TV conversations and get the latest juice and gossip about your favorite shows!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Beamly. The opinions and text are all mine.


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