Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Life's Reality Calls for the RugDoctor - Keeping Up with My Carpet

I recieved a RugDoctor to put through the paces in order to share my opinions and experiences. I used the Portable Spot Cleaner on real carpet, on real messes from my (too messy) real family. #MC 

I love having people over, but I have always been self concious about our floors.

Most days the odds are stacked against me for a spotless floor. With 3 small children, indoor cats and all the dirt of the farm trying to leave it's mark on my carpets, it is a loosing battle. Believe me, I have tried. We have great vacuum cleaners and an upright carpet cleaner. But, for the average everyday spills and accidents, I just couldn't keep it up.

Okay, the upright carpet cleaner has been nice, but for the size, weight and prep it takes, it is much better suited for doing a large area at once. After moving the furniture and then letting the room dry for a day, it is hard to work into our busy lives.

So I started looking longingly at smaller spot cleaners.

I needed something that could either clean up a pet mess, diaper disaster or juice box drama. I also needed something easy enough for me to use. My poor husband was designated the carpet cleaner in the house, but most evening during the Summer he is just too tired for housework after a hot day of farming.

The size and weight of the RugDoctor were my first favorite features. It was a machine I could easily grab for using or carry up and down the stairs.

There are two tanks on the front, clearly labeled for use. I made up the clean water and solution mixture to use. It just goes in the Clean Water Tank

I used the handy spray wand and motorized brush to prep and go over spots in the carpet. There is a button on the back of the wand to turn on the brush motor and a trigger for solution on the underside of the brush grip.

The brush moves enough to agitate any stubborn spots and I didn't have any trouble getting out the dark and discolored areas that have collected on our stairs. It is such a high traffic area, I am not even sure how old some of those stains are.

In fact, our stairs haven't been cleaned since we had it professionally done before we moved in.

This is the first machine that has easily fit on the stair. I was able to clean two stairs above and below where I set the machine.

The other feature I was surprised about is the power. For such a small machine, it has more power than the larger cleaner we own. Even my husband admitted he was impressed. Despite soaking each spot in solution, the RugDoctor had enough power to lift most of the moisure up into the waste water tank.

And the water that cameback into the tank was disgusting! Brown and filled with dirt, I know I haven't been doing a good enough job with our carpets. Luckily, now I have a better solution and a good way to keep up on our high traffic areas.

Overall it is a great addition to my cleaning routine. Much easier to pull out for the smallest of spills, I won't have to let them add up till I can't stand it anymore. That makes my husband grafeful. I just look forward to being more confident about having friends over.

My floors look better than ever. I guess all it took was a small, yet powerful, RugDoctor.

How do you keep up with the stains in your home? Any tips you can share?


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