Thursday, October 16, 2014

5-Hour Energy - Yummification Winners Announced!

This post was sponsored by 5-hour ENERGY® with samples, a gift card, information about the "Yummification" video contest , and an additional gift pack provided by the makers of 5-hour ENERGY®. All opinions and experiences are mine alone.

Do you remember when I mixed up my own little Pineapple Coconut Splash in the name of 5-Hour Energy's Yummification contest?

Well, the winners have been announced and I wanted to share all the delicious and creative recipes that caught the eye of the judges!

First Place ($50,000 prize): “Pomelimelade” by Tim Merlau, Los Angeles, CA
This winning submission mixes a Pomegranate 5-hour ENERGY® shot with limeade, and then takes us on a musical journey through all that can be accomplished over several hours (spoiler alert:  it’s a lot). 

You have to check out their clever and unique video. I can see why he won, and I will have to try out this winning combination. I think it will make you want to have a "Pomelimelade" as well. 

And the 2nd and 3rd place winners are:

       Second Place ($30,000 prize): “Ramalamadingdong” by Mark Golembeski, Los Angeles, CA
o   The second place video helps us turn that 2:30 feeling frown upside down by mixing a 5-hour ENERGY® shot with lemonade.  This video has it all: a clown, a puppy, a guy in a tutu, and much more. 
o   “Ramalamadingdong”
§  1 glass Lemonade
§  1 shot of Berry 5-hour ENERGY® 

·         Third Place ($10,000 prize): “Arnold Power” by Zac Sheorn, Lugoff, SC
o   The third place winner reminds us that you don’t have to be good at sports, but mixing a Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY® shot with decaffeinated iced tea helps keep you refreshed while practicing.  And practicing. 
o   “Arnold Power”
§  1 glass Decaf Iced Tea
§  1 shot of Pink Lemonade 5-hour ENERGY® 

Check it all out on the 5-hour Energy site:

Now, what do you plan to mix with your 5-hour ENERGY?


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