Thursday, October 23, 2014

Easy Felt Bat Hair Clips

We are in full Halloween countdown in my house. Costumes have arrived and finishing touches have been made. Somehow I was able to convince my kids to indulge their Mother in one more Halloween night family costume... though both kids chose their own costume for school activities.

I just love Halloween. Not just the costumes and sweet treats, but all the decorations and fun.

So besides costumes my kids each have Halloween outfits, but I still needed a clip or Halloween inspired bow to finish off my daughter's outfit.

Why not just make one?

Yes, I love working with felt because it is inexpensive and fast to work with. Recently though, I got smarter about using and cutting felt. If you don't already use freezer paper for your designs, you should be!

Freezer paper is perfect for drawing (or tracing) images and outlines on. It also is fabulous for stabilizing the wool felt.

Just iron the freezer paper stencil lightly to the felt and cut it out.

 the best part is the stencils can be used over and over. Just apply with heat and the freezer paper easily pulls away from the felt or fabric afterwards.

I stitched the two pieces of felt together with white embroidery floss. and then used my hot glue gun to attach an alligator clip to the back.

Does it get much easier than that?

Now my daughter is ready for Halloween, and I may have to whip up a few more for our friends.


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