Thursday, October 23, 2014

Get Rewarded for Rocking Low Calorie Drinks with Platinum Points!

This low calorie drinks shop for #PlatinumPoints has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. 

Okay, I am not the only person to say it, but it often goes unsaid. Water, day in and day out, glass after glass can get a little.... boring.

Yeah. 8 glasses of water a day is my goal. Seems like I am always running here or there and forget to drink. So I grab a soda... I grab a coffee that would be more accurately described as sugar and milk with an afterthought of caffeine. But what I really should be drinking is water. I know that and also know all those other tempting drinks give me unwanted calories that I am currently trying to avoid.

Ah, but my sweet tooth calls...

So I am working hard to rock the low calorie drinks and have found a way to even be rewarded for my sweet changes. With a little help from Crystal Light and some sweet motivation from #PlatinumPoints and Miranda Lambert, sipping my way to my daily water goal has never tasted so good!

When hitting the beverage aisle at my local Walmart I noticed something different about Crystal Light. Not only was it not in the large powder packs of my past, but the flavors were more my style. I grabbed liquid drops in both Strawberry Lemonade and Strawberry Green Tea. The selection of flavors available is great.

Green tea and strawberry? I think I have found my new daily favorite.

And keep reading to see my favorite Crystal Light mix-ins to kick up the low calorie fun another notch!

These little liquid squeeze packs are perfect for me to take and use throughout my busy day. In fact, since they are so small and don’t need refrigeration, I can slip one into my purse and add a little low calorie flavor to my day as needed.

Whether it is a squeeze in my water bottle, or an addition to my water while eating out, I love being able to control what my water tastes like.

The Crystal Light liquid has transformed my morning water glasses into something delicious.

And as for those sweet rewards? Well, Crystal Light has teamed up with Miranda Lambert to create #PlatinumPoints where you can rock the low calorie water enhancers and your love of Miranda Lambert for some sweet rewards.

Look in the electronics department of your local Walmart for a special in-store display with details, or head over to the Platinum Points Loyalty Program to get started. Get yourself registered and check out the complete list of ways to earn points. 

Welcome to Platinum Points! Earn rewards by purchasing Crystal Light products! At the end of the program, we'll randomly select one winner. All purchases must be made by December 31, 2014, receipts submissions must be submitted by November 15, 2014, and points redemptions must be submitted by January 15, 2015. See Official Rules for details.

Since nothing makes me feel better than to relax with a sweet beverage and listen to some good music, I picked up Miranda Lambert's Platinum CD and mixed up a simple Crystal Light Strawberry Lemonade. 

I rock the Strawberry Lemonade by replacing my usual ice cubes with frozen fruit. They keep my drink cold and are a low calorie treat to eat after my drink is gone.

And if I am not listening to music, my rare moments of downtime (during those rare toddler naps, or while the older kids are at school) I try to browse craft and sewing books to be inspired for my next big project. Right now I am getting ideas for birthday parties and holiday celebrations. I just adore adding a personal touch to my parties.

And I like personalizing my Crystal Light, too! Here are ideas for putting your own spin on your favorite Crystal Light flavors without adding a ton of calories:
  • Frozen Berries
  • Frozen Melon Balls
  • Fresh Mint Leaves
  • Fresh Basil Leaves
  • Substitute Coconut Water for the Water
  • Cucumber Slices
  • Lemon Slices

So after stocking my purse and pantry with my favorite Crystal Light flavors and getting some new tunes, I already have several hundred points to put towards some fun Melissa Lambert swag. Neat, right?

And I am happy to report that getting my daily water hasn't been a chore. In fact, it has never been sweeter! 

What is your favorite Crystal Light flavor? How would you personalize your glass?


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