Thursday, November 13, 2014

Simple Handmade Ornaments - Just in Time for the Holidays!

I've always enjoyed handmade ornaments and gifts around the holidays. Those sweaters and blankets I received as a child, made by my favorite Aunts, always made me feel special. Now that I am a Mom I put aside my breakable glass ornaments and turned to homemade ornaments - at first out of need, but now more out of choice.

Little, curious fingers have a way of finding sharp or dangerous decorations on the tree. So, I started making my own.

For these ornaments you will need:

  • Plastic or glass ornaments, I prefer the flatter style, but either will work.
  • Mod Podge
  • water
  • Epsom Salt
  • Silhouette Silver Foil
  • Cut file of choice for a word, phrase or snowflake
  • Silhouette Cameo

I found my ornaments at Walmart in the craft section, but check out your local craft store. They are bound to have some clear ornaments for decorating.

Then with my Silhouette Cameo I purchased a few simple decorations and words to use on my ornaments. I love this printable silver foil also. It was pretty durable and very easy to cut and place on my ornament. I actually found it easier to work with than the usual adhesive vinyl.

I cut it out as directed by the Silhouette studio program and then weeded my designs and kept them ready to put on the front of the ornaments.

Then came the fun part...

Remove the top of the ornament. In a disposable container I mixed a little Mod Podge with water. Just a few teaspoons to create a great pour-able consistency. Then I poured it into my first ornament and swished it around to coat the entire inside.

Pour the excess back into your bowl and then sprinkle the inside with Epsom Salt.

The reaction is like magic!

The Salt clings and reacts with the water to create a fabulous ice finish. Best part is, the mess is all contained inside the ornament. Gently shake out any excess, replace the top and repeat for all the remaining ornaments.

That just leaves sticking the adhesive silver foil on the outside of the ornament. And there you have it, 3 new ornaments in about 20 minutes. Perfect for your own tree, or to give out as gifts!

Do you make handmade gifts or ornaments for the holidays? What do you make?

And also linking up this week with

Do you have a Thrilling Thursday craft to add? Add a link to your blog post in the linky below after you’ve left a comment on this post.

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