Every December we eagerly await the arrival of our family's Elf, Merry. This year though, he came a few days early and he was on a mission.
No, this year our mischievous little elf wasn't here to stir up trouble, though I still think he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve for the countdown to Christmas, instead he came with a Secret Santa mission for my kids to help him spread a little early holiday cheer.
He came with a few fun Northpole gifts for my own children, including the Northpole Communicator so the kids can take turns talking to the Northpole everyday.
He also brought a few Magic snowballs, that are perfect for indoor snowball fights. They light up when they hit something making it extra fun.
He also brought my kids Santa Goggles with a map and activities to enjoy. The goggles made the images come to life in 3-D, and the whirly goggles made everything look swirly. Both of my older children had a blast with this and we haven't even had a chance to check out all the activities on the back.
Inspired by our own fun, I took my two little helpers to Walmart and let them help pick out items to include in our Secret Santa bag.
I knew exactly who we would be getting gifts for. Ever have friends who not only call you when they find a great deal on a piano at an estate sale, (I had been looking for a piano for our family) but they also help you move it? Yeah, we have some great friends like that and they have 3 boys who I thought would enjoy some of the Hallmark Northpole gifts as well.
There were so many holiday items to choose from and we had a blast finding the perfect items for our friends. We included some of the same items Merry brought us, but also some new things.
I created a simple little gift tag for our bag. You can grab your own free Secret Santa tag printables to enjoy with your own family.
- Once Upon a Northpole Christmas story book + Find me Santa Snowflake
- Magic Snowballs
- Santa Googles with map and activities
Half of the fun is keeping the secret. We dropped off our Northpole toys while the family was away for the day. I let their Mom know we were dropping something off, but the boys had no idea.
I am hoping my kids can keep this fun secret, but who knows.
The holiday spirit is catching, so we did our best to pass it on.
Does your family have any traditions for giving around the holidays?

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