Friday, March 13, 2015

A Whole New, Whole Grain Option - Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits

The following is a sponsored post on behalf of Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits. Opinions and experiences  expressed are my own.

It seems like keeping my family fed takes up a majority of my day. Once my alarm goes off, I am headed downstairs to make sure everyone has breakfast, milk, juice... or coffee. Then by the time I get everything put away and everyone is reasonably happy, it is time to do it all over again for a snack... then lunch... an after school snack and finally dinner.

Don't even get me started about when the kids whine about being hungry right before bed.

Some days though I just don't have time to serve up a complicated meal. I need something to make my day a little easier. It also has to be something that everyone loves. Bars or biscuits are a great way to fill this need.

Confined to a bowl no longer, Honey Bunches of Oats is now making Breakfast Biscuits! There are three flavors; Honey Roasted, Strawberry and Chocolate Chip. I know we all love snacking on the cereal, but these bars are even handier for packing and snacking.

Made with 100% whole grain, each pouch of 4 biscuits can provide lasting energy for the day ahead, a little energy boost when you need a snack. They are not too hard, but they are also not as flaky as a granola bar. My kids tend to make a giant mess out of anything flaky, but these pass the crumb test.

My favorite is by far the chocolate chip. Not too sweet or messy, it just has enough dark chocolate flavor to satisfy my sweet tooth. If I'm not careful, Elliott has learned how to steal a biscuit or two out of my pouch when I'm not looking. Since I like them, he knows they have to be pretty good.

He also highly recommends dunking them in yogurt, by the way.

And if my day isn't busy enough, my poor husband usually leaves the house without breakfast. At least a pouch of Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits are portable enough to take over to the greenhouses.

Though we have enjoyed all 3 flavors, I like the variety they offer by keeping all three handy in my pantry. I also stashed an extra in my purse and packed a few away in my diaper bag. I just never know when someone is going to complain about being hungry.

And some days, that is probably going to be me!

For nutritional information and store locator, check out the Honey Bunches of Oats site.

Have you tried the Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits yet? If not, what flavor would you like to try?

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