Friday, March 13, 2015

Madonna's New 'Rebel Heart' Album is Here

I participated in the Madonna Rebel Heart album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided an album to review but all opinions and experiences are my own. #RebelHear #O2O

I was a child of the 80's. I still remember having to go to my friend's house down the street in order to listen to 'Like a Virgin' and 'Material Girl'.

That would not have been acceptable in my house. Madonna was too controversial and not appropriate for my sensitive ears.

But we all listened to it. I think that was even part of the initial thrill.

Mom's rolled their eyes, Madonna's name was always linked to a new scandal. But, soon everyone was humming along and dancing to her music. Who hasn't danced to 'Holiday'?

Somewhere along the way, Madonna became mainstream. But, I don't think the artist herself would agree with that.

I don't think I can even tell you a time in my life that I didn't have at least one of Madonna's songs or albums on my mixed tape, walkman, discman or now iPod. So hearing that Madonna's 13th studio album, 'Rebel Heart' was being released, I had to be first in line to hear it and have my say.

(Of, course this is Madonna... she is always pushing the envelope, so this album has some explicit language and references to sex and drugs. .... I know, you saw that coming didn't you?)

This album includes the usual dance tracks, club songs and "Veni, Vidi, Vici" even gives a nod to some of her more famous past work. If you are a Madonnna fan, you will really enjoy that. The songs vary widely, from her more rebellious and explicit lyrics in some songs, to others that show her more romantic side.

I have to admit that I found several songs I will be adding to my workout/cleaning playlist, but I was not as impressed with her tracks that featured other artists. Though I have enjoyed her past work with artists such as Justin Timberlake, I was not as thrilled with her song featuring Nicki Minaj.

But don't fret, there are plenty of great tracks included in her latest album, including "Living for Love" which is her 44th Number 1 on Billboard's Dance Club Songs chart.

Rebel Heart Track List

01 “Living For Love”
02 “Devil Pray”
03 “Ghosttown”
04 “Unapologetic Bitch”
05 “Illuminati”
06 “Bitch I’m Madonna” (Feat. Nicki Minaj)
07 “Hold Tight”
08 “Joan Of Arc”
09 “Iconic” (Feat. Chance The Rapper & Mike Tyson)
10 “HeartBreakCity”
11 “Body Shop”
12 “Holy Water”
13 “Inside Out”
14 “Wash All Over Me”
15 “Best Night”
16 “Veni Vidi Vici” (Feat. Nas)
17 “S.E.X.”
18 “Messiah”
19 “Rebel Heart”

You can purchase the newest album by Madonna, 'Rebel Heart', now on iTunes. And why not follow her on Instagram?

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