Thursday, April 2, 2015

Creating Heirloom Eggs - Easy Chalkboard Eggs

This has been a crazy week! With Easter fast approaching, we haven't even decorated all of our usual eggs. For today's craft I whipped up some more chalkboard eggs and remembered that I never got around to sharing these easy eggs last year.

Yes, I think I whipped these up right before Easter last year, but I did post a quick pick of the progress on Instagram.

Though I enjoy decorating our white eggs each year with the kids, I wanted to start making some heirloom eggs that I could decorate with every year. These chalkboard eggs are made on plastic eggs I picked up at Walmart.

The plastic eggs were inexpensive, but you can also find a wide variety of wooden eggs at the craft store. The plastic eggs have an added bonus of being very light, in case you want to hang them.

For this project you will need a plastic or wooden egg, chalkboard paint and a brush.

I ended up using about 3 coats of chalkboard paint to completely cover the egg. It didn't take too long to dry though, so it was an easy afternoon craft project.

In order to "season" the chalkboard paint, be sure to rub it with some chalk. It will also become easier to draw on once you start using it. I am still using the eggs I made last year. I love them! 

Then grab some chalk, or permanent chalkboard pens (if you prefer) and let your creativity flow. Seems like every time I turn around, my daughter is wiping off my eggs to draw something new. But, I do have to admit that is half the fun. 

Decorate these over and over again, year after year! 


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