Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Bunny Ears - Last Minute Way to Recycle Period Pads

As a Mom of three kids, my body has gone through some amazing transformations. I read and researched all the changes my body would go through when I first became pregnant. I remember mentally checking them off.

You know, the good, the bad and the ugly physical changes that come when you have a bun in the oven?

After giving birth and being given a clean bill of health by my doctor, I was sent back out into the world with dreams of getting my body back to where it was before. I couldn't wait to lose the baby weight, tighten and sculpt my late night ice cream run inspired physique.

One thing no one warned me about was the occurrence of LBL at the most inopportune times.

The truth is, one in three women experience LBL (light bladder leakage) those little and inconvenient leaks that are triggered by everyday activities like coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercise. Weak pelvic floor muscles, weight gain, childbirth or urinary track infections are just a few reasons why LBL may sneak up on you.

But, for those pesky occurrences, are you still using period pads? Do they really work to keep you dry and confident? Poise has a new option for LBL, Poise Thin Shape Pads.

They may leave you with an abundance of extra period pads. So, what to do?

Just in time for Easter tomorrow, why not whip up some Easter Bunny Ears for everyone?

You will need 4 period pads, 2 pencils, a headband, cotton balls, pink felt or construction paper and a hot glue gun.

Place the pencil between the two pads and wrap the end around your headband. Use the hot glue gun to secure the edges, if needed.

Then glue on the pink felt or paper and cover the ends of the ears with a little cotton.

See, no reason to let those period pads go to waste! After you try New Poise Thin-Shape Pads, you will have an excess of those bulky period pads.

For even more wacky, silly and inventive uses for recycling your unneeded period pads, check out #RecycleYourPeriodPad on Pinterest. Really, these are way more creative than my little 'ole bunny ears.

If you are inconvenienced by LBL, you can try the New Poise Thin-Shape Pads with super absorbent material (have you met, SAM?) and a thin-flex design to help keep you dryer and more confident in your current body.

Even better, I can hook you up with a FREE Sample of Poise so you will be free to recycle your period pads for your own Bunny Ears... or whatever creative uses you can come up.

So, what are you waiting for? It doesn't get much better than FREE, right?

How would you recycle your period pads?


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